Talky dramas are harder to export than cartoons or action flicks which is partly why the major studios now concentrate on such things .
访谈 类 剧集比卡通和动作片更难出口,所以这是一个为什么大型工作室专注于这些的原因。
Before you get all talky again .
趁你们 还 没 开口 说话。
Because a person can 't walk into those talky people without getting pulled aside for a question a bit of gossip a new read on a certain line of Paradise lost .
他们也许会 问你一个问题, 也许 传播点有关某人的 流言蜚语, 也许是对某个 文学名著的一个句子的一些新的解释。
Say you work at a big university with lots of talky faculty members – not to mention talky students – buzzing about .
假设你在一所规模较大的大学工作, 周围 净 是 一些 多嘴多舌的教职员工 且不提多嘴多舌的学生整天叽叽喳喳。