take the field

[tek ði fild][teik ðə fi:ld]

开始作战, 上阵出马

  • All this might seem an unlikely background for an elite fighting unit ; yet when the guard did take the field they appear to have been well enough trained and officered to acquit themselves well .

    所有这些背景似乎无法产生精锐作战部队,然而,一旦禁 卫军开上 战场,却因为训练有素号令严明而获得出色评价。

  • The Forming of Symbolic Power in the Field of Cultural Production & to Take the Artistic Field for Example

    文化生产场域中符号权力的形成& 文学艺术 分析为例

  • This paper take the Medicine field as the specific study object construct rule base in areas and areas of resource for the statistical machine translation system in the medical field which including the areas of parallel corpus the field of rule templates .

    本文 医学 领域为研究对象,构建面向医学领域的统计机器翻译系统所需的领域规则库和领域资源,包括领域平行语料库,领域规则模板。

  • Based on the intensive comprehension to the technology we take the Zhongyuan oil field science and technology information management system as the example the paper designs and constitutes the database of biology identify characteristic of the system users ;

    在对生物识别技术有了透彻了解的基础上, 中原 油田的科技信息管理系统为例,设计并建立了该系统用户的生物识别特征数据库;

  • It is concluded that whilst some improvements in chrome tanning and semi-metal tanning can be envisaged radical developments for future tanning chemistries will take place in the field of organic tanning .

    未来的鞣制化学 在有机鞣法 方面取得显著进展,与此同时,铬鞣和植&金属结合鞣法也会得到进一步 发展。

  • I think we might see a few of Arsenal 's more experienced players come in and take the field in Cardiff on Sunday .

    我想,星期天 加迪夫球场上,我们会看到几位经验丰富的队员出现在阿森纳的首发 阵容中。

  • With the development and application of modern electronic technology and computer technology the revolutionary change has take place with the field of electronic measuring instrument and automatic test .

    现代电子技术和计算机技术的迅猛发展及应用使得电子测量仪器与自动测试 技术 领域 发生了革命性的变化。

  • Yet this diffusion must take place against the frozen field effect .

    可是,这种扩散必须在冻结 磁场效应 背景下 发生

  • Charleson and Puzzle take to the field .

    查利森与困惑 采取外地

  • Juventus is also a team that is getting respect from its opponents even before the players take to the field .

    尤文同时也是在球员 进场就能得到对手尊重的王者之师。

  • At the same time the typical caves : Galaxy hole white holes pearls and Zhenwu hole take the field survey research methods . Collect the detailed information about the hole cave and meticulous research of landscape respectively .

    同时,对区域内典型洞穴:银河洞、珍珠洞、白毛女洞和真武洞 采取 野外 实地调查的研究方式,取得洞穴的详细资料对洞内外景观分别进行细致研究。

  • Under pressure of the local government performance the development thinking and attention will not get change in the short term . So the major direction in science and technology support investment had not take the field of reduced carbon technology as emphasis .

    但地方政府迫于政绩压力,其发展思路和关注重点并未在短期内得到改善,各地主要科技投入支持方向并未 环境技术、减碳技术为侧重点。

  • Take The special field carrying out colleges and universities sports appraises Henan province in 2007 material expert interview and related investigation material as service platform .

    2007年河南省开展高校体育 专业评估资料、专家访谈和相关调查材料为操作平台。

  • Many countries of the world commonly take UHMWPE in the field of cotyle material of artificial joint .

    世界各国一般都 采用 UHMWPE作人工关节假体中 髋臼材料。

  • She had simply stood aside and let her take the field .

    她一向站在一边让她独自 上阵

  • They will learn the strength of the enemy before they dare take the field .

    他们获悉敌人的兵力之后才 开战

  • You all day waiting for your favorite pitch and then take advantage of the field hands when taking a nap take a step by step to get the ball in the air .

    您整天为您最喜爱的球场等待,然后 采取 实地睡午觉手中 优势,采取一步一步让空气中的球。

  • Under the influence of new economic situation changes take place in the field of design .

    在新经济形势的影响下,设计 领域出现了新 发展趋势。

  • In the disciplinary society micro-power elects consumer-discourse and patriarchal discourse as the two main strategies and take the discourse field capital as the means to shaping standard body that meets the purposes of patriarchal aesthetic and economics .

    在规训社会中,微观权力 利用话语、 、资本等权力技术,通过塑造符合男权话语与消费文化之审美目的与经济目的标准身体,对女性身体进行着无孔不入的规训。

  • Well if I take the vector field that was in the problem set and if I do things say that I look at the unit circle .

    如果 一个这个问题中 向量 ,然后我们要做的是,假设这个单位圆。

  • Equip them and take to the field death knight .

    把它们 田野上去,死亡骑士。

  • A mustering hall allows commanders to have a good look at potential troops-and their skills-before they have to take to the field in open battle .

    通过军营中的各种训练,将领们可充分了解部队的潜力和战术技能,以便率军 迎敌成竹在胸

  • Cause the players tried to take the field ; The marching band refused to yield .

    当其他的乐队也想 进入 这块试验 ,先锋却拒绝再玩。

  • Robben failed to take the field against Milan but Clarke moved to play down fears that the flying Dutchman had aggravated an old hamstring problem . The true purpose of her flying to the moon was to continually enable the Moon to return to life after death .

    罗本没有 在和米兰的比赛 亮相,但克拉克否认了他是旧伤复发。她奔月的真正目的,就是能使月亮不断地死而复生。

  • China must take its place in the field of high technology

    中国必须在 世界高科技 领域 占有一席之地

  • We must take to the field and ensure that it remains in the hands of the free Hellenes !

    我们一定 战场确保神域依然能在自由的希腊人的手中世代相传!

  • He chose to keep the injury quiet and take the field for the state final .

    他选择保持沉默损伤,并 采取 实地为国家为最终决定。

  • Switch to Guardian mode we 'll take cover in the debris field .

    变形为守护者模式,我们 残骸中隐蔽起来。

  • See the champions take the field now you define us make us feel proud .

    向着冠军,此刻 上场吧,你让我明白,让我们高傲。

  • She encouraged Hector and Paris to take the field again and sincerely mourned the death of the true hero Hector .

    她鼓励海格特和帕利斯再次 战场,并真诚地为真正的英雄海格特的死而哀痛。