technical failure

[ˈtɛknɪkəl ˈfeljɚ][ˈteknikəl ˈfeiljə]


  • The results above will provide a theoretical basis and technical support for erosion failure prediction of REAC system .

    为REAC系统的 冲蚀预测及安全评估提供了理论依据和 技术支持。

  • But because the first test was considered a technical failure – the small size of the blast suggested the weapon had not fully detonated – it was likely that North Korea would want to try to iron out the problems then eventually test again analysts said .

    但分析人士表示,由于第一次核试验被认为在 技术上是 失败的(爆炸规模较小,表明核弹未能完全引爆),因此朝鲜可能希望先试图解决相关问题,然后最终再进行试验。

  • This paper elucidates the usual technical means of the failure analysis of the electronic component and the failure phenomenon failure mode and failure mechanism of failure electronic component .

    简述了电子元器件 失效分析的常用 技术手段和失效元器件的失效现象、失效模式、失效机理。

  • Method Selection of operative incision insertion site for catheters and disposal of cuff were improved . Then the technical failure rate of dialysis catheters placement and PD-related complications before and after the improvement were compared .

    方法山东省青岛市立医院对传统腹膜透析导管植入方法在手术切口选择、透析导管植入点选择以及内cuff处理等方面进行改进,比较改进前后两种手术方法透析导管 机械 故障率和相关并发症发生率。

  • In many cases the problems appear to have been caused not by a lack of scientific or technical information but by a failure to put information to use .

    在许多案例中,这些问题表现出不是由于对科学 技术上的知识缺乏,而是由于使用信息的 正确。

  • The geometry and material characteristics of the anchorage and coupler components are in accordance with the appropriate European Technical Approval and that their premature failure is precluded .

    锚固和连接器部件的几何和材料特性符合相应欧洲 技术认可中的规定,且以消除前期 破坏的情况。

  • To ensure the safe operation of the oil port mechanisms for dealing with the breakdown of equipment have to be established which are used to diagnose infancy failure and provided technical advice for sudden failure of equipments .

    为保证油港安全运行,有必要建立设备故障处理机制,排查设备早期故障,为设备突发 故障提供 维修依据。

  • A Study on the Relationship between Conventional Technical Statistics and Success or Failure during the 2004 ~ 2005 Season of NBA

    NBA2004~2005赛季常规 技术统计与比赛胜负关系的研究

  • Conclusion The improved insertion of PD catheters can reduce the incidence of the technical failure rate and PD-related complications and in turn improve the dialysis quality .

    结论改进的腹膜透析导管植入手术能减少透析导管 机械 故障率和相关并发症的发生率,从而提高腹膜透析治疗质量。

  • Based on the brief description of the failure types of domestic MIS construction and the analysis of causes which lead to the failures some technical and non-technical approaches avoiding MIS construction failure are put forword in the paper .

    在概述国内MIS建设失败的类型,分析导致MIS失败的原因基础上,提出了若干避免MIS建设 失败 技术性和非技术性途径。

  • Natural monopoly or the overlapping concepts of practical and technical monopoly involves a failure of competition as a restraint on producers .

    垄断,或者“实际垄断”和“ 技术垄断”相重叠的概念, 意味着“非竞争”。

  • Results : All stents were successfully placed without technical failure .

    结果:全部病例均获成功,没有 技术失败

  • Against frequent production failure on aging coke oven various kinds of technical data during failure are traced and measured by means of overall analysis main factors in aging coke oven production have been found .

    针对老龄焦炉多发的生产故障,跟踪测试 发生 事故时的各类 技术参数,运用统筹分析法,找出影响老焦炉生产的主要因素。

  • Data on overall survival prognostic factors technical failure complications and days of hospitalization after decompression were examined .

    评估减压后患者的总体生存情况,预后因素, 技术 失败情况,并发症发生情况以及住院时间。

  • On the other hand some technical infractions & such as failure to comply with continuing-education requirements on time are more common and may be permissible .

    另一方面,一些 未能及时遵守继续教育要求等 技术性违规比较常见,也是可以容忍的。

  • A Technical Analysis of Failure Causes of the Lower Plate of the Upper Bearing

    上轴承下盘 失效原因 技术分析

  • It attempted the emergency landing after reporting a technical failure to the control tower without specifying it .

    它向指挥塔报告 技术 故障,但没讲明,之后试图紧急迫降。

  • Reoperations due to technical failure were recorded for six months postoperatively .

    术后6个月内对由于 技术 失败而进行的再次手术进行记录。

  • It is because of some technical innovation market failure exists the Government must intervene in a field .

    正是由于在 技术创新的某些存在市场 失灵,所以政府在一领域必须进行干预。

  • N1.0-35 steam turbine equipped for a 60 kt / a sulphuric acid plant is described with respects to its construction technical parameters and a vibration failure caused by the movement of unite center and erosion of inner gear in coupling .

    介绍与60kt/a硫酸装置配套的N1.0-35型工业汽轮机的结构、 技术参数以及一次振动 故障

  • Providing technical support to customer analysis failure product returned from customer field .

    提供 技术支持给客户应用端,分析客户端 失效产品。

  • But even the best-prepared IT department cannot guard against every possible technical failure and businesses will face problems that neither stem from nor can be solved by it .

    但即便是事先准备最充分的信息 技术部门,也无法防卫每个可能的 技术 故障企业将要面对的问题,既非源自信息 技术,也无法用信息 技术来解决。

  • It had suffered a simple technical failure and was not shot down according to the Americans who sent a Marine Corps team by helicopter from a ship in the Mediterranean to rescue the crew .

    据美军的海军陆战队透露,该战机是由于 技术 故障而不是遭火力攻击后坠毁.他们是乘坐直升机从停在地中海的战舰上过来的搜救队伍。

  • We had hoped to do much better than this in performance terms and also I suffered our first technical failure of the season .

    我们原本预期可以表现的很好但是我遭到了本赛季的第一次 技术 故障

  • This paper summarizes the technical survey of the failure diagnosis of the sucker rod pumping well in the oil field .

    概述了目前我国油田有杆泵采油井系统 故障诊断 技术

  • The technical failure lies in ignoring the surge slot capacitor parallel connection with low value water cooling electric resistance and induce abnormal power diffluence wasting .

    技术上曾经的 失误在于,因疏忽导致了不合理的振荡槽路电容等价并联低值冷却水路水电阻,形成异常功率分流附加损耗问题。

  • Results There was a significant decrease in the technical failure rate of dialysis catheters placement and PD-related complication after the improvement .

    结果改进后的手术患者透析导管 机械 故障率和相关并发症的发生率明显降低。

  • The basic framework and concepts of the sys-tem are discussed from the theoretical technical and methodological subsystems on failure analysis diagnosis fail-ure prediction and failure prevention .

    失效分析诊断、失效预测和失效预防的理论、 技术和方法等三个子体系进行归纳、分析、整理,阐述失效学体系的初步构成和基本内涵。

  • The allotransplanted skin on the back of 12 mice survived in 11 and died in one mouse because of technical failure .

    12只小鼠的背部皮肤移植有1只出现 技术 失败,其余未出现排斥反应。