technical norms

[化] 技术标准

  • The practice of grape wine technical norms and the limitation of the production of half-juice grape wine was an important procedure to guide health right and active development of grape wine industry .

    缺乏个性鲜明的产品和品牌。葡萄酿酒 技术 规范的实施和对半汁葡萄酒的限制,是指引葡萄酒行业朝着正确、健康、积极的方向发展的重要措施。

  • As a result the welding quality of the bridge structure is of fine quality and all welding joints are up to the standard of technical norms .

    高架桥焊接质量良好,所有焊缝全部达到合格 标准

  • Outline dimension series of infrared detectors The technical norms for measurement and test of characteristic parameters of infrared focal plane arrays

    GB/T13583-1992红外探测器外形尺寸系列 GB/T17444-1998红外焦平面阵列特性参数测试 技术 规范

  • The current Environmental Monitoring Technical Norms Stree routine monitoring and go short of service for environmental management .

    现行环境监测 技术 规范偏重常规环境监测,为环境管理服务内容严重不足,致使基层监测站无章可循,不利于环境监测技术的发展。

  • The results show that the reconstruction is successful on both economic and technical norms and cost saving .

    生产结果无论是在经济 技术 指标,还是节约成本,都是成功的。

  • The production quality of lifts shall comply with the requirements of the State mandatory criteria and safety technical norms .

    电梯的生产质量应当符合国家强制性标准和安全 技术 规范的要求。

  • The one that does not comply with the requirements of the State-set mandatory criteria and safety technical norms ;

    不符合国家强制性标准和安全 技术 规范要求的;

  • Laws regulations and technical norms are to be set up to be compatible with the international practices .

    制定与国际接轨的各类 技术法规和 标准

  • Thirdly technical norms and service standards should be established and medical practice standardized in order to ensure the quality of medical service .

    三是落实医疗 技术 规范和服务标准,规范医疗行为,保证医疗服务质量;

  • Environmental protection food hygiene labor protection etc. as well as the compulsory requirements of other technical norms of the state .

    环境保护、食品卫生、劳动保护等 法律行政 法规、规章以及其他的国家 技术 规范的强制性要求。

  • The SMEPB shall separately formulate and publish this Municipality 's planning EIA technical norms .

    本市规划环境影响评价 技术 规范,由市环保局另行制定并予公布。

  • Thought on Revision of Chinese Environmental Monitoring Technical Norms

    对《环境监测 技术 规范》修改的几点思考

  • When user ordering may select each kind of different specification according to the actual need the lifting capacity the span the lifting altitude technical norms and so on bracket swinging radius .

    用户订货时可根据实际需要选用各种不同规格的起重量、跨度、起升高度、悬臂伸出长度等 技术 规格

  • New technology for producing MTBE in US is introduced and a comparison between its main technical norms and those accepted in the Daqing Petrochemical Complet is also made .

    介绍了美国的甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)生产新工艺,并将该工艺的主要 技术 指标与大庆石化总厂的生产工艺进行了对比。

  • Two operation methods of scientific and technical computer network of Hubei Electric Power Testing & Research Institute Novell network and NT network and according topologic structure system design and technical norms of software and hardware are illustrated the article .

    阐述了湖北省电力科技信息计算机网络的两种运行方式:Novel网和NT网,以及网络的拓扑结构、系统设计和软硬件 技术 指标

  • Checking whether the used mechanical and electrical products to be imported meet the compulsory requirements of the technical norms of the state concerning safety hygiene environmental protection etc.

    进口旧机电产品是否符合我国有关安全、卫生、环境保护等国家 技术 规范的强制性要求。

  • On the Revision in the Technical Norms of Small Residential Area Project

    浅谈居住小区规划 技术 标准的修改

  • This paper studies the working principle and the basic concept of UPnP . Finally based on the existing UPnP technical norms this paper makes an UPnP-AV media player system and studies its performance .

    本文研究了UPnP的协议栈和工作过程,通过联网微机来模拟UPnP设备,建立了一个基于 UPnP的媒体播放原型系统,并对其性能进行了分析研究。

  • Seven national and foreign standards for high pressure boiler seamless steel tubes are compared in terms of technical norms .

    对比了国内外7个高压锅炉用无缝钢管标准的 各项 技术 指标,分析了其 技术 指标差距,简述了产生差距的原因。

  • At present the conventional design and technical norms are not deep enough in study in the spatial structure especially in the aspect of appraising and calculating the horizontal rigidity . It has many differences from the real condition .

    目前,传统设计和 技术 标准对该空间结构的研究尚不够深入,尤其在水平刚度的评价与计算方面,与实际结构存在较大的差异。

  • The term arrival inspection refers to the qualification assessment conducted after the entry of used mechanical and electrical products in accordance with the compulsory requirements of the technical norms of the state ;

    “到货检验”是指进口旧机电产品入境后由检验检疫机构按照国家 技术 规范的强制性要求进行的合格评定活动。

  • So China promulgated a variety of Building Energy Saving laws and regulations and technical norms in order to promote energy-saving building construction reconstruct non energy-saving building and control the transformation of non energy-saving construction .

    针对以上现象,我国出台了各种建筑节能法律法规与 技术 规范,旨在推动节能建筑的建造和非节能建筑的改造以及控制非节能建筑的产生。

  • Analysis of shop-measured data on the newly renovated hydraulic balancing system of a 1600T slab shear in contrast with the technical norms as stipulated by the original design is made .

    本文对武钢 初轧厂1600吨钢坯剪 改造后的液压平衡系统的实测结果与原设计要求进行了对照分析。

  • Rational hydraulic gradient for measuring hydraulic conductivity of porous asphalt mixture should be less than 0.03 and the quota 1.5 × 10 ~ ( - 2 ) cm / s can be regarded as the technical norms to comment on the permeability of the porous asphalt mixture .

    测试得出排水性沥青混合料的合理水力坡度应小于等于0.03,渗透系数大于1.5×10-2cm/s可以作为评价排水性沥青混合料渗透能力的 指标

  • Relevant inspection results show that all the technical norms of the saia pipe are up to the applicable specification and requirements as specified in the technical agreement .

    检验结果表明,该产品的各项 技术 指标均达到产品标准和技术协议要求。

  • Therefore the setting up of definition clause in law text should be based on the summary of current experience and led by legislative organs following the uniform legislative technical norms .

    因此,法律文本中定义条款的设置,应在总结现有经验的基础上,由立法机关遵照统一的立法 技术 规范来完成。

  • Keystone of cyber-law lies in the technical norms and its basic value shall be in accordance with the characteristics of the technical norms which is for enhancing development of the Internet and information sharing .

    网络法的核心在于 技术法律 规范,其基本价值应与网络技术规范的特征相一致,以求最大限度地促进网络互联和信息共享。

  • Developed in the early 1970s extensive research has been carried out in the field of watershed management and non-point source pollution control . More complete management system and the technical norms have now established in developed countries .

    发达国家早在七十年前即对流域综合管理和面源污染控制展开广泛的研究,目前已经形成了较完整的管理体系和 技术 实施 规范