worm wheel

[wɚm hwil][wə:m hwi:l]


  • A worm and worm wheel gives a large speed ratio but with significant sliding .

    涡轮和 蜗杆可获得很大的降速比,但是存在严重的相对滑动。

  • Because of their ability to reduce friction and wear they are usually used as the material for making the worm wheel in a worm gear set .

    由于具备减摩性和耐磨性的性能,它们通常用来制作涡轮减速器中的 涡轮

  • During pouring the concrete roof of worm wheel No.1 set the poured concrete was sunken cracks occurred at the surface of storehouse and construction was interrupted .

    苏只水电站在厂房1号机组 蜗壳顶板混凝土浇筑过程中,发生模板支撑变形造成新浇混凝土下沉,仓面裂缝,混凝土浇筑中断的质量事故。

  • Using mechanical transmission test table to carry out comparative test between the worm helical gear transmission and worm wheel transmission this paper analyzes the feasibility of replacing worm wheel transmission with cylindrical worm helical gear transmission .

    采用机械传动试验台对蜗杆斜齿轮传动与 蜗杆 蜗轮传动进行传动效率的比较试验,通过结果分析了圆柱蜗杆斜齿轮传动代替蜗杆蜗轮传动中的可行性。

  • The forming principle of Niemann worm wheel hob is described the curved face equation of Niemann worm is deduced and the normal profile of the worm wheel hob is calculated .

    论述了尼曼 蜗轮滚刀的成形原理,推导了尼曼蜗杆曲面方程,计算了蜗轮滚刀的法向齿形。

  • This Robot is a joint-Robot like a man and uses worm and worm wheel and harmonic gear retarder in its machine which makes the structure of Robot more refinement .

    机器人采用了关节式类人结构,在机构上使用了谐波减速器和 蜗轮蜗杆等装置使机器人的结构更加精巧。

  • Parametrization Modelling for Worm Wheel and Worm Based on UG

    基于UG的 蜗轮蜗杆的参数化建模方法

  • Host drive system of machine tool is composed of stepless shift components gearbox of worm wheel saw frame worktable fastening piece feeding and hydraulic equipments .

    加工机床主传动系统由无级变速机构、 蜗轮减速箱、锯架、工作台及紧固件、送料装置和液压机构等组成。

  • To design the mechanical and auto-control system the worm wheel is used to drive the outer annular magnet .

    在机械及控制系统设计中,由于磁体需套装在单晶炉上,因此采用了 蜗轮 蜗杆机械驱动外磁环 转动的机械结构。

  • Slag collector : wet slag discharge is made by hydraulic ratchet wheel detent worm wheel or worm from both sides . geared propulsion machinery

    清灰机构:采用液压驱动棘轮、棘爪装置或 蜗轮蜗杆装置湿式双侧除灰。齿轮减速式推进装置

  • Development of Niemann Worm Wheel Hobs

    尼曼 蜗轮滚刀的研制

  • Study on development of ceramics worm wheel and friction and wear mechanisms of material

    陶瓷 蜗轮的研制及材料摩擦磨损机理的研究

  • The utility model relates to an operating mechanism for a breaker which is composed of a main shaft a torsion spring a rotating disk a worm wheel a worm screw a motor and a supporter .

    一种新型断路器操动机构,是由主轴、扭力弹簧、转盘、 蜗轮、蜗杆、电动机和支架等构成。

  • This paper introduces the structure features and functions of the CNC system of model YKA7232 worm wheel gear grinding machine which was developed by our institute and Shanghai machine tool works .

    本文介绍我所与上海机床厂联合研制的YKA7232型 蜗杆 砂轮磨齿机数控系统的软件和硬件的组成、特点和功能。

  • Based on the vibration measurement and analysis of worm gear reducer a new monitoring method is put forward for wear of worm and worm wheel .

    本文基于蜗杆蜗轮减速器工作中振动信号的测量和分析,提出了一种蜗杆 蜗轮减速器磨损状态的振动监测方法。

  • Worm and worm wheel mechanism is used to transfer between two crisscross axis of sports and power .

    蜗轮 蜗杆机构常用来传递两交错轴之间的运动和动力。

  • Research application of minor diameter modulus gear milling worm wheel ;

    研制了制造高速重载齿轮的长短齿磨前 滚刀

  • The CAD System of Worm Wheel Hob based on SolidWorks

    基于SolidWorks的 蜗轮滚刀CAD系统

  • The calculating method of the working orthogonal clearance of the flying cutting tool machin-ing worm wheel in radial feeding way is put forward and a calculating example is given out .

    文中提出了考虑径向进给速度时 飞刀左右侧刃工作后角的计算方法,实际算例验证了其正确性。

  • CNC System Design of Worm Wheel Gear Grinding Machine

    蜗杆 砂轮磨齿机数控系统设计

  • This system can accomplish the design of three-dimensional worm wheel hob construction design and the engineering drawing 's autom atic achieving .

    该系统可完成 蜗轮滚刀的三维实体设计、结构设计与工程图的自动生成等工作。

  • Involute cylindrical worm-helical gear transmission is to use helical gears to replace worm wheels in traditional worm wheel transmission so as to form a new worm transmission .

    圆柱蜗杆斜齿轮传动是在传统的 蜗杆 蜗轮传动中用斜齿轮取代蜗轮而形成一种新的蜗杆传动形式。

  • Study on Measurement of Flank Topography of Worm Wheel with CNC Gear Measuring Center

    基于CNC齿轮测量中心的 蜗轮齿侧形貌测量研究

  • A shaft with screw thread ( the worm ) meshes with a toothed wheel ( the worm wheel ); changes the direction of the axis of rotary motion .

    螺纹杆与 齿轮啮合;改变轴旋转运动的方向。

  • Designing Calculation of Processing Worm Wheel with Gear Hob

    齿轮滚刀加工 蜗轮的设计计算

  • Terminology and symbols for cylindrical worm and worm wheel

    GB/T10086-1988圆柱蜗杆、 蜗轮术语及代号

  • The alloy is suitable for making wear resistant parts such as bush axle sleeve and worm wheel etc. undor the conditions of high and middle load at the middle and low speed .

    合金主要用于制作高、中载,中低速不同工况条件下工作的轴瓦、轴套、 蜗轮等耐磨件。

  • Base on those difference between tooth shape of worm wheel of this worm drive and that of helical gear with the same parameters is compared and then modification method of this worm wheel is presented .

    在此基础上比较了此种蜗杆传动的 蜗轮 轮齿和对应参数下斜齿轮轮齿的齿形差别,给出了Q-TI型 蜗杆 传动 蜗轮修形加工方法。

  • This paper analyzes why the more fixed-length errors and unstable drive is existed in the pinion and rack drive system of the original flying saw and expresses that to replace the original pinion and rack drive system can use the worm wheel and worm drive system .

    分析了原飞锯齿轮齿条传动系统存在的定尺误差大及传动不平稳的产生原因,提出了用 蜗轮蜗杆传动系统替代原齿轮齿条传动系统。

  • Analysis and optimization of rapier loom ′ s beating cam conjugate Slag collector : wet slag discharge is made by hydraulic ratchet wheel detent worm wheel or worm from both sides .

    剑杆织机打纬共轭凸轮机构分析及优化清灰机构:采用液压驱动棘轮、棘爪装置或 蜗轮蜗杆装置湿式双侧除灰。