workshop building


  • Some problems need to attention in lightweight steel workshop building of farming-grazing regiment

    农牧团场轻钢 厂房 建设中需要重视的一些问题

  • Guohua Huanghua Power Plant main workshop building project phase ⅱ in Hebei Province

    河北国华黄骅发电厂主 厂房二期工程深化设计

  • Design of steel structural workshop building for hydrogen compressor

    氢压缩机钢结构 厂房的设计

  • Inspection and Analysis of a Workshop Building 's Crack


  • Design and construction of roofing works of a large preparation workshop building in Guangzhou

    广州某大型制药 厂房屋面工程的设计与施工

  • New Idea for Domestic Large Painting Workshop Building

    国内大型涂装 生产 线 建设的新思路

  • Based on facilities planning and design the article discusses the factory layout workshop separation of manufacturing system and relevant workshop building material transportation facility etc.

    基于设施规划设计对制造系统的工厂布置、车间划分以及与之相关的 车间 建筑、布置、物料输送设备等方面进行了探讨。

  • Pharmaceutical factory grade-one hundred thousand is clean workshop building reconstruction project design

    制药厂十万级洁净 厂房改造工程的设计

  • It mainly introduces the design manufacture installation adjusting and application of flexible roof for hydropower station workshop building of Dayuandu Junction .

    介绍大源渡枢纽水电站 厂房活动屋盖的设计、制造、安装、调试及使用情况。

  • In the workshop of the stamping press machines the working loads of these machines may cause a strong vibration of the workshop building .

    本文针对某工业 厂房因压印机工作荷载而引起强烈振动的具体 问题,提出了一种用于压印机械的钢筋混凝土壳体减振 基础

  • The Stability Numerical Analysis of High Slope Behind the Workshop Building of Luding Hydroelectric Station

    九甸峡水电站 厂房后边坡稳定有限元分析

  • Situations of some primary designs during construction of workshop building for the bulb tubular turbine set hydropower station of Dayuandu Junction are introduced .

    介绍大源渡枢纽水电站灯泡贯流式机组 厂房建设中的一些主要设计情况。

  • FEM Analysis of the Frame-Shear Wall Structure of Main Workshop Building of Large Capacity Power Plant

    大型火电厂主 厂房框架-剪力墙结构有限元分析

  • Air conditioning system design for an assembling and commissioning workshop building

    某总装调试 厂房空调设计

  • Civil engineering : information for workshop Building design and Basement design of equipment .

    土建工程:关于 车间 建筑设计和设备地基设计的要求。

  • Rebuild Main Workshop Building for 180m ~ 2 Sintering Machine of No.1 Sintering Workshop in Iron-making Plant

    包钢炼铁厂一烧车间180m~2烧结机主 厂房改造

  • In the project case dynamic compaction method can consolidate the soft base of a workshop building project short-cut the time limit simplify the project .

    结合工程实例,采用强夯法对 厂房工程的软土地基进行加固处理,缩短工期,节约成本,施工简便易行。

  • Manufacture and installation of the workshop building with cold forming corrugated sheet steel structure

    冷弯薄壁型钢结构 厂房的制作和安装

  • The paper presented the construction and treatment of the hand-dug piles in several kind of complex layer also gave a case how to treat a quick sand layer under the foundation of normal workshop building .

    介绍了几种复杂条件下人工挖孔桩的施工工艺和措施,提供了一个标准 厂房基础流砂层处理的实例。

  • Analysis of Damage on Reinforced Concrete Bent Workshop Building after Fire

    某钢筋混凝土排架 厂房火灾后结构损伤检测及评定

  • The design of the workshop building and heating and ventilation systems have been discussed .

    讨论了 厂房设计和采暖通风等问题。

  • Testing and appraising for accident of a general workshop building

    某通用 厂房 工程质量事故检测分析与鉴定

  • Comparison and Selection of Artificial Foundation Schemes of Main Workshop Building s


  • Although the operation of a general multistory workshop building not completely started the building was tilts and there were cracks occur in its reinforced concrete slabs beams columns and its wall bodies and have no choice but to stop using .

    某多层通用 厂房在未全部投入使用的情况下,即发生钢筋混凝土梁、板、柱、墙体严重开裂及倾斜的事故而不得不停用。

  • Discussion on design of single - deck lightweight steel workshop building

    单层轻钢 厂房的设计探讨

  • Analysis and reinforcement of wall crack for a workshop building

    对某 车间墙体裂缝的原因分析和处理

  • The reasons analysis and consideration of a rural self developed workshop building construction collapse accident

    某村镇自建 厂房施工垮塌事件原因分析及思考

  • Quality Control of the Steel - structured Workshop Building Construction

    钢结构 厂房 工程施工质量的控制

  • According to the earthquake disaster and its features this paper emphatically introduces the problem of aseismic design of one - story brick - column workshop building including its applicability structural arrangement structural system calculation of aseismic bearing capacity and aseismic structural measures .

    根据地震震害及其特点,重点介绍了单层砖柱 厂房的抗震设计问题,包括其适用范围、结构布置、结构体系、抗震承载力计算与抗震构造措施。

  • According to the principles in architecture anti-seismic design criterion this paper puts forwards relevant anti-seismic design method through the analyses of earthquake disaster in one-story brick-column workshop building .

    本文根据国家标准《建筑抗震设计规范》编制的原则,通过对单层砖柱 厂房震害分析,提出相应的抗震设计方法。