


  • Ingredient : sorbitol xylitol peppermint oil menthol crystals soucralose freshener ant-caking agents .

    成分:山梨醇, 木糖醇,薄荷油,薄荷脑,三氯蔗糖,清凉剂,抗结剂。

  • Here 's the deal . Chewing gum with Xylitol is actually incredible for your teeth why ?

    是这样的,口香糖和 木糖醇对你的牙齿有着绝妙的好处,为什么呢?

  • Breeding of High-Producing Erythritol Strain and Optimization of Fermentation Condition ; Contrasting study of erythritol and xylitol on Streptococcus mutans

    赤藓糖醇高产菌株的选育及发酵条件的研究赤藓糖醇和 木糖醇对变异链球菌生长和产酸作用的对比研究

  • Study on Quality Changes of Xylitol Yoghurt during Fermentation and Storage


  • Bacteria can 't even survive in a Xylitol rich environment .

    细菌是不能在 木糖醇丰富的环境中生存的。

  • Xylitol can be produced from the corn cob through acid hydrolysis neutralization evaporation discoloring ion exchanging concentrating crystallization and reproduction from mother solution .

    以玉米芯为 原料,用酸水解,经中和、蒸发、脱色、离子交换、加氢、浓缩、结晶并将母液进行再处理可生产出 木糖醇

  • The pigment of xylitol fermentation liquor is absorbed by activated carbon whose absorption kinetics is studied by theory inference and experiment in this paper .

    在采用活性碳对 木糖醇发酵液的脱色条件研究基础上,研究吸附脱色动力学。

  • Contrasting study of erythritol and xylitol on Streptococcus mutans

    赤藓糖醇和 木糖醇对变异链球菌生长和产酸作用的对比研究

  • Objective : To study the stability of the compatibility of levofloxacin injection with xylitol at room temperature .

    目的:考察室温下左氧氟沙星注射液和 木糖醇 注射液配伍稳定性。

  • Determination of Xylitol Content in Foods Using High Performance Ion Exchange Chromatography

    离子排斥 相色谱法测定食品中 木糖醇的含量

  • Sugar-free gum and sugar-free candy that contain xylitol GetWord ( xylitol ); are even better because this artificial sugar slows down the metabolism of cavity-causing bacteria .

    包含了 木糖醇的无糖口香糖和无糖糖果甚至会更好,因为这种人工糖分减慢了会导致蛀牙的细菌的代谢。

  • Chew gum with xylitol to banish bad breath .


  • Study on Stability of Azlocillin Sodium For Injection in 5 % Xylitol Injection

    注射用阿洛西林钠在5% 木糖醇注射液中的稳定性考察

  • Xylitol can prevent you from getting tooth decay .


  • The output of potassium carbonate and xylitol takes the first place in China .

    碳酸钾、 木糖醇 产品产量居全国首位;

  • Effect of fructose and xylitol injection on blood glucose fluctuation of elderly type 2 diabetic patients

    果糖及 木糖醇注射液对老年2型糖尿病患者血糖波动的影响

  • Synthesis of HBS Lignin-pentaerythritol Modified Rosin Resins High performance liquid chromatography determination of xylitol concentration

    木糖醇 发酵液制备木糖醇结晶体的研究高沸醇木质素-季戊四醇改性松香树脂的合成

  • Nowadays the factories have changed ways of making moon cakes so you can have coffee moon cakes or xylitol moon cakes .

    如今的工厂改变了制作月饼的方法,所以你可以去吃咖啡月饼或者 木糖醇月饼啊。

  • Horny clean ingredients xylitol Health-related components Wash AMT two-whitening C and other factors .

    角质清洁成份、 木糖醇、生体关连洗净成份AMT、双C美白因子等。

  • Optimation of Composition of Industrial Raw Material Medium on Bioconversion of Xylose to Xylitol by Yeast

    微生物转化生产 木糖醇中工业化原料培养基组成的优化

  • The shell can be made into furfural xylitol and activated carbon and other products .

    油茶壳可制成糠醛、 木糖醇、活性炭等产品。

  • They said a group of substitutes of sugar alcohols or polyols including xylitol and sorbitol can reduce the risk of cavities .

    他们说,但是一些替代品或是多元醇例如 木糖醇和山梨糖醇会减少蛀牙。

  • Study on Yeast Strain Screening and Evaluation of Xylitol Production from Corn Cob Hemicellulose Hydrolysate


  • Xylitol is a five-carbon sugar alcohol that is used as a sugar substitute .


  • It contains artificial sweeteners called xylitol or sorbitol that help prevents cavities .

    无糖口香糖里含有人工合成的制糖剂 木糖醇或山梨糖醇,有助预防蛀牙。

  • To determine the shelf life of xylitol yoghurt its quality changes during fermentation and storage were investigated .

    为了确定 木糖醇酸奶的保质期,本实验对该种酸奶在发酵过程和贮藏期间的质量变化进行了研究。

  • Studies on the Separation and Purification Process of Xylitol with Membrane and Chromatography

    基于膜与色谱的 木糖醇分离纯化工艺研究

  • Glycerin Water Purified Xylitol Sorbitol Propylene Glycol Pectin Xanthan Gum Silica Apple Flavor ( Natural ) Banana Flavor ( Natural ) Calcium Lactate Aloe Vera .

    甘油,过滤水, 木糖醇,山梨醇,丙二醇,果胶,黄原胶,二氧化硅,苹果口味(天然),香蕉口味(天然),乳酸钙,芦荟。

  • Research of Mine-used Lead-acid Battery Fast-charging Device Two antioxidants ( boric acid and xylitol ) were tested and analyzed in relation to their effects on the starter battery performance .

    矿用铅酸蓄电池快速充电装置的研究验证并分析了硼酸和 木糖醇这两种防氧化剂,在起动用铅蓄电池干荷放电及充电过程中的差异。

  • The Biotransformation Research Used Corn Cob as Raw Materials into Xylitol

    以玉米芯为原料生物转化 木糖醇的研究