xylene musk

[zaɪˈlin mʌsk][ˈzaili:n mʌsk]


  • In order to develop a new solution crystallization process to separate the eutectics of musk ketone and musk xylene the ternary phase diagrams of musk ketone musk xylene and solvent were calculated .

    为了开发低共熔组成酮麝香、 二甲苯麝香混合物溶液结晶新过程,计算得到酮麝香、 二甲苯 麝香、溶剂三元相图。

  • The experimental results show that musk xylene with a purity of 97.5 % is obtained by adding acetonitrile in one-stage crystallization and musk ketone with a purity of 98.1 % was obtained by adding heptane in two-stage crystallization .

    由三元相图得到理论 产量并进行试验验证,结果表明加入乙腈一级结晶可得到纯度为97.5%的 二甲苯麝香,加入庚烷二级结晶后酮 麝香的纯度为98.1%。