


  • What happens if you need to upload or download data between your workstation and the remote host ?

    如果需要在您的 工作站和远程主机之间上传或下载数据,会发生什么?

  • The Startup wizard provides an option to install SQL Express on a workstation .

    启动向导提供了一种选项以在 工作站上安装SQLExpress。

  • In this paper we designed and implemented the SGI graphic workstation virtual assembly system .

    本文设计并实现了“SGI图形 工作站”虚拟装配系统。

  • Log on to the workstation as a local or domain user .

    作为本地或者域用户登录到 工作站上。

  • A workstation collection has one migration policy and one storage group .

    一个 工作站集合拥有一个移植策略和一个存储组。

  • This environment controls access to resources such as the workstation 's file system system libraries and other resources .

    这个环境控制着对资源(譬如 工作站的文件系统、系统库和其它资源)的访问。

  • A transaction can occur between a workstation and a program two workstations or two programs .

    事务可以发生在 工作站和程序之间,两个工作站之间,或两个程序之间。

  • In the Server Name field enter the hostname of the workstation running Access Server .

    在ServerName字段中,输入运行AccessServer的 工作站的主机名。

  • Node - An addressable unit in a network which can be a computer workstation or control unit .

    节-在网络中的一个可寻址的单元,可能是计算机, 工作站或控制单元。

  • Pair programming is an agile software development technique in which two programmers work together at one workstation .

    结对编程是一门敏捷软件开发的技术,其目的是让两个开发人员共同在同一个 工作站上工作。

  • Be sure that the SVN executable is in your workstation 's system path .

    确保SVN可执行文件在您的 工作站的系统目录中。

  • The experimental results and simulation on SGI workstation prove the correctness and effectiveness of the presented measuring method .

    实验结果和SGI 工作站上的仿真证明了该测量方法的正确性和有效性。

  • This window shows whether the connection status between the local workstation and your broker 's server is normal .

    此视窗显示的是地方 工作站和你的经纪人伺服器的连接是否正常。

  • The HMC is a dedicated workstation that runs integrated system management software .

    HMC是一个运行集成系统管理软件的专用 工作站

  • This can help you determine the cause of a server or workstation crash .

    这有助于您确定服务器或 工作站崩溃的原因。

  • The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed .


  • The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship .

    服务器上的安全数据库没有此 工作站信任关系的计算机帐户。

  • Users should create workspaces on the Citrix server rather than on the client workstation .

    用户应该在Citrix服务器上而不是客户机 工作站内创建工作区。

  • The old Server / Workstation Expert had a great column on storage concepts and practice that remains valuable reading .

    旧的 Server/WorkstationExpert中有一个精彩的关于存储器概念和实践的专栏,它仍然是有价值的读物。

  • Set the workstation date and time .

    设置 工作站日期和世界。

  • This process is a bit complicated if your server or workstation has SELinux enabled .

    如果您的服务器或 工作站启用了SELinux,这个过程会有些复杂。

  • The release manager has access to the Tivoli software package editor on his / her workstation or source host .

    发布经理已经访问了Tivoli软件包,编辑了他/她的 工作 空间或者源程序主机。

  • It is technically possible to do this integration from an individual developer 's workstation .

    由一个独立的开发 工作站来完成集成 工作在技术上是可行的。

  • It has minimum amount of security privileges which minimizes network attacks on the workstation or server .

    它拥有最小数量的安全性特权,从而将对 工作站或者服务器的网络攻击降至最低。

  • Your username and password will only be stored on the workstation that you are currently using .

    您的帐号和密码将只会储存在您现在正在使用的 工作站中。

  • Download the SVN client software to your workstation .

    将SVN客户机软件下载到您的 工作站

  • A software package contains a collection of actions to be performed on a workstation .

    一个软件包包含了一组要在 工作站上进行的活动。

  • You do not have permission to log on to this server from this workstation .

    您没有从这 工作站上登录这台服务器的权限。

  • Information on this window is stored in the local workstation .

    此视窗所显示的资讯被储存在地方的 工作站中。

  • The development workstation should have workspace that is configured with the software repository .

    开发 工作站应该具有配置为使用软件存储库的工作区。