temperature extremes


  • Application of Mean Generating Function - Optimal Subset Regression to the Prediction of High Temperature Extremes

    均生函数&最优子集回归在 高温 极值预测中的应用

  • With the switch frequency IGBT switching device input impedance high high high temperature extremes driving circuit is simple driving power small components such as small loss more than the advantages is extremely ideal switch components .

    IGBT开关器件具有开关频率高、输入阻抗高、 极限 温度高、驱动电路简单、驱动功率小、元件损耗小等多个优点,是极为理想的开关元件。

  • Optical fiber sensors can work in high temperature causticity strong magnetic field inflammable and explosive environmental extremes .

    光纤传感器可以工作 高温、腐蚀性、强电磁场及易燃易爆的危险 恶劣环境中。

  • The length of service time number of cycles and the temperature extremes experienced must all be carefully considered when choosing a material .

    选择材料时,必须认真考虑服务时间的长度、循环数和承受的 温度 极限

  • With increasing the current and densification process the position of the maximum temperature moves from the extremes of graphite punches into the interior of powders .

    伴随着致密化进程和电流的增大,系统的最大 温度区域由石墨 冲头末端向粉末内部移动;

  • In that weather irregularities are smoothed by nature by increased atmospheric activity or ocean currents temperature extremes will not occur .

    其中气候的异常被平滑了,被大自然,被增加的大气活动或洋流, 极端 温度将不会出现。

  • Standard silicon carbide seals provide high resistance to abrasion and corrosion over a wide range of temperature extremes .

    标准 金刚砂密封,在 高温低温 状态 仍然具有强大的耐磨损和耐腐蚀能力。

  • And temperature extremes reduce animal production of meat or milk products .

    同时, 温度 极限会减少食肉和奶制品的产量。

  • Effects of Cold - and Heat-hardening on Resistence to Temperature Extremes in Drosophila melanogaster

    果蝇对冷、热 极限 温度耐受能力的研究

  • The Method to Detect as Well as Assess the Extreme Climate Events and the Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Changes of Temperature and Precipitation Extremes over China during the Second Half of the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

    极端事件检测、评价方法及中国近40年 极端 温度和降水事件时空变化研究

  • Their mud-brick structures have not stood up too well against the eroding winds drastic temperature extremes and infrequent rain storms .

    砖泥结构使得它们不能经受住飓风、炎热以及暴雨的 洗礼

  • Distributing characteristics and interdecadal difference of daily temperature and precipitation extremes in China for latest 40 years

    中国近40年 极端 气温和降水的分布特征及年代际差异

  • This is especially important on northern-aspect slopes where characteristic regional species are more likely to persist in an era of increasing dryness and temperature extremes .

    这对于北向坡面尤其重要,因为当面临干旱和 极端 气温的时期,地区特有物种 有可能在这样的地区生存下来。

  • If you dislike the cold in winter you can visit Kunming the Spring City which is spared temperature extremes .

    冬季您若怕冷的话,可以到没有 酷暑 严冬的“ 春城”昆明。