temporary investment

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri ɪnˈvɛstmənt][ˈtempərəri inˈvestmənt]


  • On the other hand with the temporary stop of the fixed assets investment in the metallurgical industry the existing metallurgical machinery manufacturers will surely turn back to the market of metallurgical spare parts and tools participating in and intensifying the market competition .

    另一方面,随着冶金行业固定资产 投入 暂时告一段落,现有各冶金机械制造厂家势必会杀回冶金备件和工具市场,参与并加剧市场竞争。

  • International agreement on legal migration for temporary employment coupled by foreign investment ;

    关于合法移徙 临时就业以配合国外 投资的国际协定;

  • The government should set up special funds focus on solving the problem of temporary teachers . A financial system of compulsory education primarily on province should be established . We must increase education investment in rural areas to resolve the predicament of teacher shortage .

    包括设立专项资金集中解决 代课教师问题,建立以省为主的义务教育财政体制,加大对农村教育的 投入,化解农村地区师资短缺的困境等。

  • And general Pit Support is mostly temporary structure and also could easily lead to too much investment in waste but also supporting structure unsafe works will inevitably cause the accident .

    而一般的基坑支护大多又是 临时结构、 投资太大也易造成浪费,但支护结构不安全又势必会造成工程事故。

  • And providing temporary public jobs to hungry Ethiopians during the off-season for work enables them to plant more drought-resistant trees as an investment .

    在淡季为饥饿的埃塞俄比亚人提供 临时 的公共部门就业岗位使他们能够种植更多的 投资型抗旱树种。

  • These funds are no longer held to manage temporary swings in imports and exports or investment flows .

    各国政府持有这些资金,不再是为了调整进出口或 投资流的 短暂波动。

  • Issue of Temporary Schemes of Security Investment Fund Management in 11.14.1997 represented the beginning of standardized development of Security Investment Fund .

    我国1997年11月14日《证券 投资基金管理 暂行办法》出台,标志着规范化发展证券投资基金的开始。

  • Increasing order quantity with temporary price discounts can reduce the purchase price and order fees on one hand but on the other hand more orders will increase retailers ' inventory investment and other inventory-related costs .

    此时,零售商若增加 临时价格折扣下的订货量,会享受更低的进价和订货费用,但较多的订货量同时会增加零售商的存货 投资和库存费用。

  • However a temporary investment in equity securities must be carried at the lower of its total cost or market value at the balance sheet date .

    然而,权益证券( 短期 投资中为获得 短期 收益而持有的证券)方式的 临时 投资必须在资产负债表日以原成本和市场价格孰低的方式显示。

  • What saved the Midwest was not a temporary stimulus but a skilful rescue package complete with government financing and public investment in research and development directed at next-generation electric vehicles .

    拯救中西部不能靠 临时刺激方案,而是要靠巧妙的一揽子救助方案,同时辅以下一代电动汽车研发方面的政府资助和公共 投资

  • Another advantage is that it would make deficits credibly temporary : investment incentives are quite easy to withdraw .

    另一个好处是,它会让赤字可信地 短暂投资激励相当容易收回。

  • If the investor does not have a significant influence the cost method must be used for either a temporary or a long-term investment .

    如果投资者不想施加重要影响,则不论 短期还是长期 投资均需采用成本法。

  • Concerning about experiences of other provinces the Sichuan government has implemented the temporary code of carrying out the consigning construction system on the non-profit items of Sichuan government and began to push the government 's investment on non-profit items consigning construction system .

    根据其他省市的经验和教训,四川省人民政府办公厅下发《四川省政府 投资非经营性项目实行代建管理的 暂行 办法》,开始全面推行政府 投资项目委托代建管理制度。

  • China security commission did not announce The temporary method for management of the security investment fund until November 1997 since then the fund in China began to be on the road of law and norm .

    直到1997年11月中国证券委颁布了《证券 投资基金管理 暂行办法》以后,我国证券投资基金才开始走上了规范化高速发展的道路。