temperature sensor

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr ˈsɛnsɚ][ˈtempəritʃə ˈsensə]


  • Our company is professional development production and temperature sensor faucets faucet manufacturers .

    我公司是专业研发、生产 恒温水龙头和 感应水龙头的厂家。

  • The specific thing you want is a temperature reading & and for that you need a temperature sensor .

    具体来讲,您想要的是一个温度读数&对于此,需要一个 温度 传感器

  • Wireless temperature transmitter using low power consumption CPU control technology to control digital temperature sensor and wireless transmitting module .

    无线温度发射器采用低功耗CPU技术,控制数字 温度 传感器和无线发射模块协调工作。

  • Application of Phase Locked Detection Technology in Fluorescence Fiber-optic Temperature Sensor

    锁相相关检测技术在荧光光纤 温度 传感器中的应用

  • The result shows that this kind of fiber grating can be used as a temperature sensor for temperature measurement .

    结果表明这种光栅可以用作 温度 传感器,对温度进行测量。

  • It introduces a design and implementation of constant temperature control system which based on L4960 single chip switching integration manostat and AD590 temperature sensor .

    介绍了基于单片开关式集成稳压器L4960和 温度 传感器AD590的一种恒温控制系统的设计和实现方法。

  • Data management of a temperature sensor ( electronic thermometer ) .

    温度 感应器的数据管理(电子温度表)。

  • By the fiber grating as temperature sensor the on-line monitoring system of temperature for the contact inside the high voltage switchgear was put forward .

    采用光纤光栅作为 温度 传感器,提出了测量高压开关柜内接头温度的在线监测系统。

  • This problem may be down to a faulty evaporator temperature sensor .

    这个问题可能是蒸发器 温度 感应器的故障引起的。

  • Another ambient temperature sensor is the vapor-filled bellows .

    另一种空气 温度 传感器是充气波纹管。

  • Research on characteristic parameter of sapphire fiber blackbody cavity transient high temperature sensor measurement system ;

    利用基于普朗克黑体辐射定律的蓝宝石黑体腔光纤 传感器是测量这类 温度的有效方法。

  • Mass Air Flow Sensor and other sensors such as Position Sensor Temperature sensor etc.

    空气流量计及其他传感装置如位置传感器, 水温 传感器,等。

  • Reconfigurable Remote Temperature Sensor and Supply Voltage Monitor Fan Control Chassis Intrusion with Serial Interface .

    可重构远程 温度 传感器,电源电压监视器,风扇控制,串行接口,机箱入侵。

  • Description : High Resolution High Precision Rapid Response Temperature Sensor IC .

    中文描述:高分辨率,高精度,快速反应 温度 传感器IC。

  • Wiring or connector problems in the transmission temperature sensor signal circuit .

    变速箱 温度 感知器信号电路中的电线或接头问题。

  • The temperature sensor is connected with the control circuit .

    所述 温度 传感器与控制电路连接;

  • Research on Quartz Tuning Fork Temperature Sensor Test System Based on SOPC

    基于SOPC的石英音叉 温度 传感器测试系统的研究

  • Control box Temperature sensor Potential Comparer ;

    控制盒; 温度 传感器;电位;比较器;

  • The temperature sensor is making the computer think the engine is cold when in fact it 's hot .

    温度 传感器 发给计算机的 信息为发动机是冷却的,可实际上它的温度很高。

  • Intake air temperature sensor input above the minimum acceptable voltage .

    进气空气 温度 感知器输入高于最小可接受电压。

  • Proposed is a double-sheet-metal structure FBG temperature sensor system based on heterodyne detection .

    提出了一种基于外差探测的双金属片结构光纤布拉格光栅(FBG) 温度 传感系统方案。

  • Based on the low power electronic devices and infrared communication a contact-type temperature sensor with high precision was designed for the system to solve the problem of high voltage isolation .

    设计了基于低功耗电子器件和红外通信的接触式 测温 装置,具有较高的准确度,并解决了高电位的隔离问题;

  • Application of Digital Temperature Sensor in Color Measurement System

    数字 温度 传感器在测色系统中的应用

  • In this instrument adopts high precision temperature sensor and high performance A / D conversion device using SCM into intelligent temperature acquisition transmission system ;

    本仪器采用了高精度 温度 传感器和高性能的A/D转换器件,利用单片机做成智能温度采集、传输系统;

  • The paper introduced the principle features and adjustment method of the optical fiber temperature sensor system .

    介绍了光纤 温度 传感系统的原理、特征以及其解调方法。

  • Remove the in-vehicle temperature sensor from the instrument panel .

    从仪表板上拆卸车内 温度 感知器

  • When installing temperature controller temperature sensor shall be put horizontally and vertically Otherwise the temperature is unstable .

    温控器安装时 只能水平安装和垂直向下安装,否则会出现温度不稳定现象。

  • The temperature sensor memory of the structure and the use of a request to do a detailed description .

    对于 温度 传感器存储器的结构和使用要求做了一个详细的说明。

  • Application of Lock-in Amplifier in Calibration System of Temperature Sensor

    锁相放大器在 温度 传感器校准系统中的应用