


  • On the way to the hospital they stopped by a tavern and he had a little pint of cider to drink sat down and talked to people .

    在去医院的路上,他们在 酒馆停了下来,他喝了一品拖苹果酒,坐下来同大家交谈。

  • They stopped at the tavern to take on fuel on the way home .

    他们在回家的路上去了一 酒馆 狂饮

  • You 've been drinking at the tavern .

    你在 喝酒了。

  • Remember that tavern and you went to the bathroom ?

    记得在 你去上厕所的时候吗?

  • The tired traveler finally found a tavern .

    这位疲惫不堪的游客终于找到了一 客栈

  • To his surprise when the customers came to the tavern and drank the salty liquor they immediately spit it out and went to a different bar .

    令他吃惊的是,客人们来到 酒馆喝了加了盐的酒后,立刻把酒吐了出来,到别的酒家去了。

  • One guy ran out of a tavern with a revolver and aimed it at a female protester who kicked the gun out of his hands using a karate move .

    有个家伙拿着左轮手枪从一 酒馆 跑了出来,还用枪瞄准了一位女性抗议者。这位女士用了招空手道,踢飞了他手中的枪。

  • There comes a gentleman on horseback and lights at the door wanting to go into the tavern .

    来了一位骑马的绅士,在门口下马,要到 酒店 去。

  • After gambling away in some tavern the money I sent for the journey .


  • I saw a small tavern the moment I felt thirsty .

    正走得口渴时,看到了一家小小的 酒馆

  • They met at the tavern for a drink .

    他们为喝酒在 酒店 见面。

  • Signs were hung out on all sides to allure him ; some to catch him by the appetite as the tavern and victualling cellar ;

    四面挂起了招牌,引诱着他,有的在胃口上把他抓住了,那便是 酒店和食品店;

  • Tavern : Pirates on the rise like the rum and beer served here .

    小型 酒馆:高等级的海盗们喜欢的朗姆酒和啤酒在这里供应。

  • Tavern is placed where madness is sold by the bottle .


  • I heard there are vicious killers operating out of the Bitch 's Brew Tavern !

    我听说有许多邪恶的杀手在 恶妇的酿造 外活动!

  • A businessman enters a tavern sits down at the bar and orders a double martini on the rocks .

    一个商人进了一 酒吧,坐在吧台上,他点了双料马丁尼酒。

  • They ran mills plantations tanyards shipyards and every kind of shop tavern and boardinghouse .

    她们经营手工作坊、种植园、制革场、造船厂和各类商店、 旅馆和供膳寄宿处。

  • I was standing near a tavern door .

    我正站在一 酒店门口。

  • There have been strange goings-on at the bitch 's brew tavern .


  • After singing all night in the tavern I had a frog in the throat next morning .

    酒馆 唱了一整夜歌,第二天早晨我的嗓子有点嘶哑了。

  • The Is Kitchens Diy Replace Or Rather Our Solution Set A Tavern .

    这厨房自己做的替换,倒不如说我们解集的 酒馆

  • The sailor narrated the story of his life to me in the tavern .

    那水手在这 酒店 向我讲述了他的一生。

  • His parents died soon after and Schrank came to work for his uncle a New York tavern owner and landlord .

    他的父母去世后不久,schrank为他的叔叔工作,他叔叔是纽约一 酒馆的老板和业主。

  • This man was drinking at my tavern . I was watching over him .

    这个人当时在我的 酒馆 喝酒,我一直看着他。

  • After leaving the tavern the captain went to sleep .

    离开 酒馆后船长就去睡了。

  • His father was a poor tavern owner .

    他父亲是一位贫穷的 客栈主人。

  • In February 2009 Goodman landed his first client : A Baltimore tavern .

    2009年2月,古德曼有了第一位客户:巴尔的摩的一 酒馆

  • First he stopped at a tavern for a bite and a sup .

    他首先找了个 酒馆 歇歇 、吃点什么。

  • Adem á s if you and he went to the tavern to drink a glass of beer he would carefully check the bills ;

    另外,如果你和他一起到 酒馆喝上一杯啤酒,他一定会仔细核对账单;

  • We also went to a tavern in the city where we met many local Greeks .

    我们也去了 酒吧,在那里我们遇到很多雅典当地人。