
[ˈtɛmpərəl, ˈtɛmprəl][ˈtempərəl]



  • This paper summarizes the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of these granitoids .

    本文总结了该期花岗岩的 时空分布特征。

  • The present world crisis should in principle be analysed from different temporal perspectives .

    原则上说来,目前的世界危机应该从不同的 时间角度加以分析。

  • In this chapter we discuss one of the few abundant sources for temporal information time series expression data .

    在这一章中,我们讨论了 时间信息的一些丰富来源中的一种,时间序列表达数据。

  • But temporal logics of knowledge can describe more accurately the desirable specification of systems and protocols in distributed systems .


  • This paper presents the formalization of dynamic summarization according to temporal evolution of Web information .

    该文从网络信息的 时间演化性出发,给出了动态文摘的形式化定义。

  • This paper reviewed the impact of temporal lobe resection on memory function in patients with epilepsy .

    本文将对 叶切除术对癫痫患者记忆功能的影响加以综述。

  • Giant cell arteritis ( GCA ) is a systemic and granuloma arteritis that is also known as temporal arteritis .

    巨细胞动脉炎(GCA),又称 动脉炎,是一种系统性和肉芽肿性动脉炎。

  • Existing in both space and time ; having both spatial extension and temporal duration .

    存在于空间和时间两者之中;既有空间上的扩展又有 时间上的持续。

  • DB2 handles these versioning and temporal queries automatically and transparently with minimal impact on existing applications .

    DB2会自动和透明地处理这些版本控制和 时态查询,对现有应用程序的影响极小。

  • Observations of the infrared outgoing spectrum of the earth from space : the effects of temporal and spatial sampling .

    空间观测到的地球红外射出谱: 时间和空间采样的作用。

  • Of or relating to space and time together ( having both spatial extension and temporal duration ) .

    属于或关于时间和空间(有共同的空间范围和持续 时间)。

  • In certain cases the temporal variation is more complicated .

    在某些情况中, 时间上的变化更为复杂。

  • These techniques are based on pattern matching and event definitions and can be spatial or temporal .

    这些技术都是基于模式匹配和事件定义的,可以是空间上的或 时间上的。

  • This algorithm is based on the temporal motion information and spatial morphological filtering .

    本文提出了一种基于 运动信息和形态学滤波的 视频 对象时空分割算法。

  • In animation the instantaneous removal of a pictorial information . Fluctuations are spatial and temporal in character .

    这种波动的特点是空间性和 瞬时性的。

  • Understanding temporal and spatial correlation in fMRI data ;

    了解功能性磁振造影资料的 时间与空间相关性。

  • This paper introduces the wavelet tool and4 indexes to quantify the temporal characteristics of tourist flows .

    引入4种指数和小波分析工具定量探讨九寨沟旅游流的 时间特性。

  • Temporal patterns are not a new concept in the application architecture and design .


  • Temporal variation of the seismic activity along the active fault is closely related with similar variations in others .

    沿活动断层的地震活动性随 时间的变化与其他活动断层的类似变化密切相关。

  • Objective To study the surgical treatment and pathological changes of temporal lobe epilepsy .

    目的研究 叶癫痫的手术治疗效果及其病理改变。

  • The event modification in the event history has the important influence on the temporal database .

    事件发生使得系统状态进行转移,事件历史中事件变更对 时态数据库具有很重要影响。

  • It can be applied to the temporal relationship between different plants .

    它也可以应用在不同植物之间的 时间关系。

  • My love to see the Department of Yushu there is no temporal distance .

    我看到了情系玉树,没有 时空的距离。

  • Based on theory of compound scatter the amplitude distribution temporal correlation and spatial correlation were discussed here .

    基于海杂波的复合散射理论,分析了海杂波的统计分布模型、 时间相关性和空间相关性。

  • One is also able to see how specific acts are related to a temporal and spatial context

    人们也能看出具体行为是如何与 时空相关联的。

  • This paper has made a detailed analysis of the temporal and spatial distribution of Precambrian mineral deposits in China .

    文章详细地分析研究了中国前寒武纪矿床的 时空分布。

  • Separate Storage of Temporal Order and Spatial Information in Working Memory


  • The injury involved two radial arteries two femoral arteries one superficial temporal artery and one brachial artery .

    其中两个涉及了桡动脉,两个股动脉,一个表 浅显动脉,和一个臂动脉。

  • Mixed high-valence facial expressions are processed within temporal lobe visual cortex thalamus and amygdalohippocampal complex .

    掺杂的高效价脸部表情在 叶视觉皮质区、丘脑、和杏仁海马移行区综合体中进行。

  • The method that relates temporal information to spectral information is called temporal frequency analysis .

    时间 信息和频率域信息联系起来进行分析的方法,称为时频分析法。