temperature jump

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr dʒʌmp][ˈtempəritʃə dʒʌmp]


  • The average yearly and quarterly temperature has an obvious interdecadal climate jump and the jump point happened in 1985 ~ 7 years later than the jump point in China and 1 year later than the jump point in the Northwest region .

    年平均气温、季平均 气温变化存在以1985年为跃变点,这次跃变比全国晚 5~7a,比西北地区提前1a。

  • The energy equation combining with the boundary condition of temperature jump and axial wall heat conduction the theoretical deduction of convective and conduction differential equations are obtained in the micro channel .

    对微通道在不同的热边界条件下的 对流和传导微分方程进行了理论推导,并利用分离变量法求解其微分方程,得到 温度 含有参数解的形式。

  • Research on Effective Strain in Wire Rod During Rolling and Calculation of Temperature Jump

    高速线材精轧的等效应变研究及 计算

  • It is found that some experimental research on convective heat transfer using gases was probably in the regime having velocity slip and temperature jump which cause the frictionfactor and heat transfer coefficient to decrease .

    发现有些用气体所做的实验研究,很有可能是处于有速度滑移和 温度 跳跃的滑流区。速度滑移和 温度 跳跃致使阻力系数减小、传热减弱。

  • The energy change is irrelevant with temperature and is caused only by the pressure so it is proved that the mechanical energy can directly excite the energy level jump of the rock 's molecules at vibration state with no intermediate physical process of rock 's generating heat needed .

    这个变化与 温度无关,完全由压力引起,这就证明了机械能能直接激发岩石分子振动态能级之间的 跃迁,不需要经历岩石生热的中间物理过程。

  • ( c ) Superconducting transition temperature of the phase formed after first jump of the conductance is different along with different temperatures of the substrate .

    第一次电导 变后形成的金属相是 超导的,其Tc随底板温度不同而不同。

  • The Causes for temperature jump during preheating of carbon monoxide HTS catalyst in air and countermeasures Safety Evaluation for Propylene Purifier After Temperature Jump Accident

    高温变换催化剂空气 升温阶段的飞 现象及防范措施探讨丙烯 净化器飞温事故后的检测与安全分析

  • The results are as follows : ? The temperature variations in Heilongjiang Province appear the multi-time scale and jump characteristics .

    结果表明:①黑龙江省的 气温变化具有多时间尺度特征和 突变特征。

  • Passing the analysis the temperature high degree direction of wind wind velocity records on an average did not produce to jump to change the convection layer upper level degree of humidity records the improvement that accurate rate have obviously .

    通过分析得出,酒泉站使用L波段雷达系统后, 温度、高度、风向、风速记录平均而言未产生 变,记录离散性小,对流层上层湿度记录准确率有明显的改善。

  • This article present the theoretical analysis of gas flow and heat transfer in micro rectangular channels in the regime of velocity slip and temperature jump .

    分析了微矩形槽道内的不可压缩气体在速度滑移和 温度 跳跃区的流动和传热过程。

  • Experiments on airfoil transition with a IR thermal imager were made . Results indicate that there exists a temperature jump area around the transition point .

    用红外热成像技术对某层流翼型的转捩现象进行了实验观测,结果表明在转捩点存在 温度

  • Calculating Temperature Jump During High-Speed Wire Rolling Through Upper Bound Triangular Velocity Field


  • The explanation could lie in the sharp temperature jump a particle experiences when it becomes dispersed in a bubble of reactant gas .

    其解释是当颗粒被分散于反应气体的气泡中时,经受着 温度 突然 跃升

  • The experiments show that compared with conventional alumina powder nano alumina can significantly improve the properties of PTC material by increasing temperature coefficient 60 % lowering room temperature resistance 20 % increasing breakdown voltage 13 % and jump range about one order respectively .

    实验表明,与普通Al2O3相比,纳米Al2O3能显著提高PTC陶瓷的性能:温度系数增大60%, 常温电阻降低20%,耐压增大13%, 阻比增大近1个数量级。

  • The model shows that total temperature jump almost increases linearly with decreasing entry temperature .

    结果表明:总 随入口温度的降低而近似线性地升高。

  • After temperature jump the phase separation of PS / PVME system with critical composition is spinodal decomposition .

    临界组成的PS/PVME体系在 温度 跃升后,相分离动力学遵循旋节分相(spinodaldecomposition)机理。

  • In order to capture the velocity slip and temperature jump at wall boundary a novel treatment scheme is presented on the basis of the macroscale variables directly .

    为了获得壁面边界的速度滑移和 温度 ,在含有粘性热耗散的热格子模型的基础上,提出了一种新的直接基于宏观量的边界处理格式。

  • And solve the differential equation successfully by the method of separating the variables so determine of the parameters in temperature field expression use the fluid-solid coupling boundary conditions and known conditions . And obtain the coefficient of temperature jump and mean Nusselt number .

    然后利用流固边界耦合传热的边界条件和已知热边界条件建立方程组确定参数,并最终计算出 温度 长度、局部努塞尔数和平均努塞尔数。

  • The slip coefficient Cm the thermal creep coefficient Cs and the temperature jump coefficient Ct are determined from the first approximation of the inner solution .

    滑移系数Cm,热蠕动系数Cs和 温度 跳跃系数Ct,做为待定量在内区解的一阶近似中定出。

  • The effects of the temperature jump and the velocity slip on the heat transfer for the slip-flow regime in the cold trap of the freeze dryer are considered .

    对真空冷阱中处于滑流区的气体换热,应考虑 温度 跳跃和速度滑移对换热的影响。

  • High temperature jump of resistance in Y-Ba-Cu-O system

    Y-Ba-Cu-O系中的 高温电阻

  • We use the above thermal LBM model including viscous heating effects . And for the treatment of boundary conditions we take the new scheme for the temperature jump boundary .

    本文采用新的粘性热格子模型模拟粘性耗散热,在边界条件的处理上,提出了新的 温度 边界的处理格式。

  • It is reported that it 'll rain tomorrow and the temperature will jump down too .

    据报道明天会下雨,而且 气温也会下降。

  • It is capable describing AHE in various materials at different temperature . The terms in the function are interpreted to have connection to the skew scattering side jump and intrinsic mechanisms .

    新的函数关系式能够统一描述以往在不同体系、不同 温度出现的复杂实验现象,函数中的各项分别与skewscattering、side jump和本征机制联系起来。