temperature field

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr fild][ˈtempəritʃə fi:ld]


  • The perfect theoretical calculation models of the spatial balloon 's temperature field and IR radiant feature are built up .

    建立了完善的空间气球 温度 与红外辐射特征的理论计算模型。

  • The results can basically reflect the infrared characteristics of the sea surface temperature field .

    仿真结果基本反映了海面 温度 的红外特性。

  • The effects of the grinding process parameters on the wet-type grinding temperature field were obtained .

    从而得出了钛合金主要磨削参数对湿式磨削 温度 的影响趋势。

  • Compared with laser power scanning rate has less influence on the temperature field distribution of the workpiece .

    与激光功率相比,激光扫描速度对试样 温度 的影响较小。

  • The temperature distribution of the tuyere as well as the influence of impurity and incrustation scale on the temperature field of the tuyere were investigated using numerical simulation method .

    为此,用计算机模拟的方法研究了高炉风口的温度分布及杂质含量和水垢对水冷铜风口 温度 的影响。

  • The mathematic models of laser beam optimum are built and their temperature field distributions are simulated .

    建立了两种光斑 温度 的数学模型,模拟了 温度 分布。

  • Air conditioned bus ; Heat insulation structure ; Temperature field ; Thermal bridge ;

    空调客车;隔热结构; 温度 ;热桥;

  • The temperature field and residual stress field of unclosed hoop weld were obtained and the results were discussed .

    获得了非封闭环焊缝焊接 温度 和残余应力场,并对模拟结果进行了分析。

  • Aim To compare and research effects of the ozone content above antarctic continent on the stratospheric temperature field .

    目的对比研究南极大陆高空臭氧含量对全球平流层大气 温度 的影响。

  • So measuring the temperature field during the process of welding is very important .

    因此对焊接过程中的 温度 分布进行测量就显得极为重要。

  • Numerical simulation analysis is carried out of the temperature field distribution to the frozen area roadbed .

    对冻土地区路基的 温度 分布进行数值模拟分析,初步探讨了路基 温度 时间和深度 变化的关系。

  • Meanwhile the expectation for the future research to the temperature field of rolling bearings is given .

    并对未来滚动轴承 温度 的研究进行了展望。

  • The influence of Rayleigh number on the stream field and temperature field is discussed .

    讨论了雷利数对流场和 温度 的影响。

  • The relation between the temperature field and the loading speed has been investigated in detail .

    详细研究了 温度 和加载速率之间的关系。

  • The relationship between equivalent static load and temperature field has been verified through tests .

    文中还通过试验验证了上述当量静载与 温度 的关系。

  • Analyze temperature field and velocity field of guest room by making use of CFD technique and experiment associative mode .

    利用CFD技术与实验相结合的方式对客房空调气流的 温度 和速度场进行了分析。

  • The effects of casting speed and water flowrate on mold temperature field were discussed .

    还讨论了拉坯速度和冷却水流量对结晶器 温度 的影响。

  • The geoisotherms around a gallery can be explained as a superposition of the original temperature field .

    一个坑道周围的等温线可以理解为原始 温度 的叠加。

  • The phase transformation latent heat is introduced into the analysis of temperature field during the hot forming process .

    将热成形过程中的相变潜热引入 温度 ,并进行了有限元分析;

  • This method is suitable for various axisymmetric varying temperature field questions in engineering .

    该方法适用于工程中各种轴对称 变温 问题。

  • Effect of Convection and Radiation on Unstable Temperature Field of Rocket Charge

    对流和辐射对某火箭发射装药非稳态 温度 的影响

  • Temperature field and dynamic performance of a two-dimensional plate with planar motion is investigated .

    研究受到热冲击的作平面运动的二维平面板的 温度 和动力学响应。

  • Based on heat transfer theory the temperature field of turbine casing is calculate with assumption of cylinder structure .

    应用传热学的基本理论以简化的圆筒结构为研究对象分析气缸的 温度

  • Effect of particle on temperature field in isotropic turbulence

    颗粒对各向同性湍流中 温度 的影响

  • To control the heating temperature in the process of electromagnetism induction heating the model of the temperature field in electromagnetism induction heating was studied .

    为有效解决电磁感应加热过程中加热温度的控制问题,对电磁感应加热 温度 的建模方法进行了研究。

  • The stress and strain field and the temperature field which was helpful to understand the hot rolling process were obtained during the rolling process .

    获得了轧制复合过程的应力-应变场和 温度 变化,对热轧过程有了更清晰的认识;

  • Heat transfer performance of different backfill materials and temperature field variation of ground-coupled heat pump system are studied .

    试验研究了两种不同回填材料地埋管换热器的热响应性能、地源热泵运行对地源 温度 的作用。

  • The fault zone and ground water flow 's existence change the original temperature field distribution of the rock mass .

    断裂带及地下水流的存在改变了岩体的原有 温度 分布。

  • The effects of variation of temperature field of T8 steel quenching heat treatment on quenching microstructure were studied .

    利用有限差分法计算了T8钢二维 温度 ,研究了T8钢淬火热处理 温度 的变化对组织的影响。