temperature curve

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr kɚv][ˈtempəritʃə kə:v]


  • Under operation of the temperature curve the gradual temperature decrease leads to stress accumulation so it results in the stress peak likes a wave and becomes higher and higher .

    在该 温度 曲线的操纵下,逐步的降温造成应力累加,导致应力峰值呈波浪形且越来越高。

  • The effect of setting of sintering temperature curve on the rate of qualified products and quality of products is studied .

    研究了烧结 温度 曲线的设定对产品烧结合格率和质量的影响;

  • This paper discusses the temperature curve in the various process of absorption and regeneration of molecular sieve .

    分析、探讨了分子筛纯化器吸附、再生过程不同阶段工作 温度 曲线

  • The simulation data of the temperature curve is read from the SQL database .

    温度 曲线是根据从SQL数据库读取的 温度数据 绘制出来的模拟 曲线

  • The kiln is equipped with automatic ignition flam monitor extinguishing alarm re-ignition and print out the rising temperature curve .

    配备自动点火、火焰监制、灭火报警、再点火功能,并配备打印机记录 升温 曲线

  • Comparing with observed temperature curve it is shown that our theoretical model is consistent with the observational facts .

    与观测得到的 温度 曲线比较表明,理论模型与观测事实相一致。

  • The author tentatively sets up the method and condition of testing completes the tensile strength - temperature curve expounds its mechanical properties and defines the strength data .

    本文通过实地工作,探索性地建立了实验条件和方法,作出了抗拉强度 温度 变化 曲线,揭示了它的力学性能特点,给出了强度数据指标。

  • Study of Temperature Curve of Molecular Sieve and Analysis of Example

    分子筛 温度 曲线的研究与事例分析

  • Power density and surface temperature curve showed linear behavior .

    伏安 特性、功率密度一表面 温度均呈现良好的线性关系,在长期通电使用下,能保持其功率稳定性。

  • Simulating the project by using ANSYS analytical software I acquired the distribution of CLM elementary trough temperature curve .

    采用ANSYS分析软件进行工程模拟,得到了圆筒型直线感应电动机初级槽部的 等温线分布情况。

  • Heat-transfer character is analyzed and temperature curve is attained .

    此外对液膜的传热特性也做了一些分析,得到了 温度 分布 曲线

  • According to the temperature curve of steel rod and sleeve material the relation between the melting depth and sleeve material molten steel temperature in melting bath and current density is analyzed .

    还根据钢棒 温度 曲线和套砖的材质,分析了钢棒的熔化深度与套砖材质、熔池钢液的温度和电流密度的关系。

  • Finally the completion of the simulation optimization of billet temperature curve to verify the effectiveness of this control method .

    最后,经过仿真试验完成了钢坯 曲线的优化,验证了这种控制方法的有效性。

  • By relating the eligible samples with the surface temperature curve a quality eligible region is obtained .

    把所有金相以及硬度和层深分布都合格的样品与淬火时实时测量的表面 曲线相对应,得到了质量合格区。

  • The method of calculating integral temperature by measured flash temperature curve was put forward .

    提出了利用动态热电偶测得的齿面闪 分布 曲线计算齿面积分温度的方法。

  • Constant heat and pulse heat is available equiped with advanced PLC controller and colorful human-machine operation interface instant temperature curve display .

    引用特有脉冲加热技术系统,配备高端PLC控制器和全彩人机操作界面,实现即时 温度 曲线显示。

  • The computer simulates the temperature curve and three dimensional temperature distributions under different parameter and simulates the appearance of ( chilling band heat treated by laser rotating mirror wideband ) .

    计算机模拟了不同参数下的 温度 曲线和三维空间的温度分布,模拟了激光转镜宽带热处理淬火带形貌。

  • Lastly I introduced the solution to NTM formula and the method of sketching temperature curve of thermal field .

    最后,介绍了网络拓扑法方程组的解法以及温度场 等温线的绘制方法。

  • For typical Mira variables we made numerical calculations and obtained a temperature curve .

    对于典型的Mira变星我们进行了数值计算,得到了 温度 曲线

  • He plotted a temperature curve .

    他绘制了一条 温度 曲线

  • The relationship between sintering temperature and porosity / shrinkage of ceramic membrane support was investigated in this paper . The sintering temperature curve of support was decided by thermogravimetric analysis and differential thermal analysis ( TGA-DTA ) .

    研究了陶瓷膜支撑体烧结温度与孔隙率收缩率的关系,利用热重差热分析,确定了陶瓷膜支撑体的烧结 温度 曲线

  • The influence of annual air temperature curve on the optimization of parameters for Heller air cooling system

    全年 气温 统计 曲线对海勒式空冷系统参数优化的影响

  • In the measuring software it is convenient for user to control measurement and observe the situation of measurement such as the drift real-time temperature curve in the heating process .

    在测量软件界面中既方便控制测量过程,也便于用户观察测量的情况,如 温度的漂移、加热过程的实时 曲线 对应 温度

  • On the Adjustment of Infrared re-welding Temperature Curve

    红外再流焊焊接 温度 曲线的调整与探讨

  • Temperature data were analyzed and processed by dynamic signal analyzer to obtain accurate temperature curve .

    经动态信号分析仪分析处理温度数据,得到精确的 温度 曲线

  • Leakage of groundwater will influence strata normal temperature distribution and generate the abnormality on temperature curve .

    地下水的渗漏会影响地层正常温度分布,使钻孔 温度 曲线发生异常变化。

  • Used piecewise linear compensation method at high temperature can give a direct adjustment to the temperature curve of output voltage and effectively improve the temperature stability .

    采用的分段线性补偿方法在高温时能对基准输出电压的 温度 曲线进行直接调整,有效提高了温度稳定性。

  • At higher total ASB widths the ASB width-ambient temperature curve is slightly concave-upward .

    当绝热剪切带的总厚度在上限时,绝热剪切带宽度-环境 温度 曲线是稍微上凹的;

  • By analyzing the temperature curve of sample combustion it shows that the experimental result is accurate and reliable .

    从样品燃烧的 温度 变化 曲线可判断实验结果是可靠的。

  • Unique a 3 segments ' temperature curve program achieves a steady heat rising and good protection of BGA component .

    独设三段式 温度 曲线程序,实践分段升温控制,令BGA得到妥贴的保护。