


  • Teleprocessing diagnostic As the team evaluates the patient each day on rounds detailed patient information will promote a more rational approach to patient care .

    远程信息 处理诊断 程序 医疗小组每天查房时, 获得病人的详细信息有助 制定更合理的 诊疗方案。

  • In 19803 with the rapid development of the microcomputer except for the original teleprocessing . The common terminal is connected with computer through Rs-232c terminal signal directly instead of the public telephone network and modem .

    八十年代随着微型计算机的迅猛发展,除了原来的 远距离连接外,一般终端都直接通过RS-232C端号与计算机连接,而不再使用公用话网络和调制解调器。

  • Provided benefit condition for the teleprocessing consultation .
