tell off

[tɛl ɔf][tel ɔf]


  • If you see anyone hanging aroundhere tell them to hop off .

    如果你看到有人在这儿闲荡, 就叫他们 走开

  • I 'm always being told off for being so awkward


  • I am also bossy and happy to tell off teenage boys in the street when they are misbehaving .

    我还会专横而高兴地在街上 斥责那些行为不端的十几岁男孩。

  • She had the audacity to tell him off .

    她有胆量 走开

  • All right look . I 'm gonna call her and tell her to back off .

    那好吧,我会给她打电话 别来

  • And if you wanted to tell someone off in Spanish our relatively obvious go fly a kite would be better served by the phrase go fry asparagus .

    如果你想用西班牙语指责某人“ 空头支票”,那么最好是用“gofry asparagus”,而不是相对较直白地 “goflyakite”。

  • Dutch police told off two of the gang aged 10 and 11 .

    荷兰警方对一帮小 混混中的两个人进行了训诫,他们一个10岁,另一个11岁。

  • Didn 't I tell you to turn off the TV if you 're not watching it ?

    我没 告诉你如果不看电视的话就 关掉吗?

  • There are people who tell me off he said in a phone interview . They say my writing is too vulgar .

    有人 谴责我,他在接受电话采访时说,他们说我 的写作太粗俗。

  • Even if they tell you off it will be with basic good will .

    即使他们 责备 ,那也是带着基本的善意。

  • It was perhaps rude of him to tell you to push off when you hadn 't yet finished talking .

    你还没有谈完,他 就叫,那可以说是很不礼貌的。

  • He 'll tell you to get off .

    那他会 下车的。

  • Patty : I think I will just tell him off . I 'm going to burn my bridges but at least I 'll feel much better .

    佩蒂:我想我只会 他一 。虽然我会把自己搞得无路可退,但至少我会好过一点。

  • Not only will I tell him off but I 'm going to give him his walking papers .

    我不仅要 斥责他,而且我还要 解雇他。

  • The man says : You go up there and tell him off .

    男士回应说:你快上去 斥责

  • The kid was very cute decked out in designer gear like the rest of his family but sometimes incredibly hard not to discipline for example he once spat in my face and I found I could do nothing to tell him off .

    小孩子非常可爱,跟家里其他人一样,全身上下也都是名牌;但有时候却很难管教比如,有一次他朝我脸上吐口水,而我却无能为力不 责罚他。

  • Didn 't she tell you she was off early today ?

    她没 告诉你吗?她今天早 下班的。

  • I 'd go to the kitchen to get breakfast and he 'd be waiting to tell me off .

    我去厨房做早餐,他会等在 数落我。

  • The old man like to tell off color joke .

    这老头爱开 低级庸俗的玩笑。

  • I can 't tell you the answer off the topof my head .

    经考虑无法 告诉你答案。

  • At worst all she can do is tell you off for being late .

    充其量,她能做的不过是 责备你迟到了而已。

  • Won 't you tell your dad get off my back ?

    你爸爸 对我不依不饶么?

  • He never listened to us when we told him off

    我们教训他时,他从来 不听

  • A : If Maggie 's late I 'm going to tell her off .

    如果玛姬迟到的 ,我要 她。

  • The farmers used a special system of counting to tell off their sheep .

    农民们使用一种特殊的计数方法 清点羊的头数。

  • And you have the balls to tell me it 's off ?

    你却 告诉我我们 结束

  • Tomorrow I 'll go back to tell him off : I 'll make his ears burn for a week !

    明天,我得 他,我得让他一个礼拜都感到害臊。