


  • I worked with a top executive in the healthcare sector who would insist on using a teleprompter even with relatively small informal groups because he said his speechwriter made him sound better .

    我曾经和医疗保健行业的一位高管合作,他总是坚持使用 提词 ,哪怕 只是面对小规模群体的非正式讲话,因为他相信演讲稿撰写人会让他的言辞更加得体。

  • Why we thought we could put up a website and sell teleprompter softwares for our dorm room ?

    我们决定建一个网站,在宿舍卖 台词 提示软件?

  • In Tampa when John Kasich the governor of Ohio departed from his approved script a red light beneath the teleprompter began flashing frantically .

    在坦帕,当俄亥俄州长约翰卡西奇(johnkasich)的讲话偏离了事先的文稿时, 提词 下方的红灯开始狂闪。

  • I think he 's doing just fine without his teleprompter .

    我得说我看了他的 演讲,觉得他不用 提词

  • His critics will say this unfortunate photo reveals a deeper problem with his presidency & that he 's just a walking teleprompter .

    针对奥巴马的批评家们肯定会说这些不幸的照片正说明他的 政绩有严重的问题他只是照本宣科的 提词

  • The fourth part is analyzed separately to the main element of the design of classroom instruction on the five dimensions above in particular the teleprompter analysis of the action verbs of teaching objectives .

    第四部分则是从上述的五个维度上对课堂教学设计的主要成分进行单独分析,特别是对教学目标的行为动词进行 提词分析。

  • I would like to thank Governor Palin for her ( looking away from teleprompter )

    我要感谢佩林(palin)州长,她(目光离开 演讲 稿

  • Teleprompter : Obama doesn ` t go anywhere without his Teleprompter .

    提词 :无论去哪里,奥巴马都随身携带提词器。

  • Maybe someone 's gonna find us on the internet and pay us $ 4000 for some teleprompter software .

    说不定有人会在网上找到我们,付我们4000美元来 这些软件。

  • Looks like not even the guys at the other side of his teleprompter could help this time .

    看来这次在 远程 提示 另一端的 伙计们也没能帮上忙

  • My advice : Dont read it and dont use a teleprompter .

    我的建议是:别照着读,也别使用 提词