television transmitter

[ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən trænsˈmɪtɚ][ˈteliˌviʒən trænzˈmitə]


  • In past over 10 years the digital television transmitter technology which is indispensable to the digital television ground broadcast has witnessed a rapid development .

    经过近十几年的努力,数字电视地面广播所必需的数字 电视 发射机技术有了飞速的发展。

  • This paper expounds the group delay distortion problem existing in the single-channel IF modulation television transmitter and its negative influence on the pictures and advances the correcting schemes and the alternative correcting circuits .

    阐述了在单通道中频 电视 发射机中存在的群时延失真问题及其给图像带来的不良影响,提出了校正方案及可选择的校正电路。

  • Intermodulation Distortion and Its Automatic Correction of Television Transmitter

    电视 发射机的互调失真及其自动校正

  • In internally diplexed television transmitter the nonlinear characteristic of amplifiers results in intermodulation distortion of three frequencies picture carrier frequency color subcarrier frequency and aural carrier frequency .

    合放式 电视 发射机中,放大器非线性特性的存在,使得共同放大的图像载波、彩色副载波及伴音载波分量相互作用,产生这三个频率的合、差频失真,即互调失真。

  • Television Automatic Testing System for Modern TV Transmitter

    现代 电视 发射机自动测试系统

  • Multi-channel radio and television transmitter automatic monitoring system

    多通道广播 电视 发射机自动监控系统

  • Firstly the developing status of digital television terrestrial broadcasting which is followed by the whole structure introduction of the transmitter and system summary of the receiver of Chinese DTMB is introduced .

    本文首先介绍了地面数字 电视的发展现状及中国地面数字电视传输标准 发送 整体结构和接收端的概括结构,然后详细介绍了接收机 基带变换的设计与实现过程。

  • In the design process according to the control request of broadcast and television transmitter combining the structuring programming designing method the PLC program is divided into 9 parts and carrying on the design to each mold piece .

    在设计过程中,按照广播 电视 发射机的特点和控制要求,结合结构化程序设计方法。将PLC监控程序分成9个功能模块,并对每个模块进行设计。

  • One of the basic elements of this study was the development of methods for the assessment of individual exposures to radio and television transmitter radiation one year before the actual diagnosis .

    这项研究的基础工作原理之一是发展了一套关于被明确诊断前一年接受无线电和 电视 发射器辐射的个体的评价方法。

  • The Tianjin radio & television satellite earth station was founded in 1998 located in the medium wave transmitter of Yangliuqing town Xiqing district . It is well approved by fraternity due to its major breakthrough in Technical characteristics and innovations .

    天津广播 电视卫星地球站始建于1998年,站址选择在西青区杨柳青中波 发射 ,天津 广播 电视卫星地球站无论是在技术特点和技术创新上都有一定的突破,得到了业界的认可。

  • This article briefly introduces the research progress in digital television transmitter at home and abroad in recent years and discusses some technology questions which need to be solved in the coming years in our country in aspect of the digital television transmitter research and development .

    本文简要介绍了国内外近年在数字 电视 发射机研制方面的进展,讨论了我国今后几年在数字电视发射机研制方面需要解决的若干技术问题。

  • The Design of an Amplifier of DVB_T Digital Television Transmitter

    DVBT数字 电视 信号 发射机若干问题的研究

  • A kind of distributed feedback ( DFB ) diode laser module was developed for the use of Amplitude Modulation Cable Television ( AMCATV ) transmitter .

    开发了一种用于光纤公用天线 电视CATV)的分布反馈激光二极管组件。

  • Combined vision-sound amplification type television transmitter

    放大色(视觉放大)图像、伴音合成放大式 电视 发射机

  • In cable television networks of the optical communication systems optical laser drive is a key component of the transmitter .

    在有线 电视网的光通信系统中,激光驱动器是光 发射机的关键组成部分。

  • Intermodulation distortion is an important factor affecting the property of television transmitter .

    互调失真是影响 电视 发射机性能的一个重要因素。

  • The Design and Implementation of the Broadcasting and Television Transmitter Monitoring System

    广播 电视 无线 发射监控系统设计与实现

  • Rather like a giant television screen color TV high power transmitter

    就像一个大型 电视屏幕,大功率彩色电视 发射机

  • The Design of a Local Oscillator for Digital Television Transmitter

    数字 电视 发射机本振频率源的设计

  • radar telecommunication electronic microwave repeater television and / or radio transmitter installation DCP retransmission station

    雷达、电讯微波转发站、 电视及/或广播电台 发射塔装置

  • The paper compares the passive bistatic radar with the conventional monostatic and bistatic radar when detecting targets at low altitude in some given direction and considers the characteristic of television transmitter fully .

    本文主要结合 电视 发射的特点,将无源双基地雷达与常规单、双基地雷达在特定方向上对低空目标的探测进行仿真计算对比;

  • The Group Delay Distortion in the IF Modulation Television Transmitter and Its Correction

    中频调制 电视 发射机中的群时延失真及其校正

  • Simple Discuss of the Progress in Digital Television Transmitter

    浅谈数字 电视 发射机技术的发展