


  • In teletypewriter applications the uniform shifting of the beginning of all marking pulses from their proper positions in relation to the beginning of the start pulse .

    电传 打字机应用中,所有标记脉冲 首部从它们的正常位置相对于启动脉冲首部的均匀位移。

  • This computer normally consists of a teletypewriter .

    通常,这种计算机包括一 电传 打字机

  • I am qualified as a telex operator although I have never used this model teletypewriter .

    虽然我未用过这种 电传 打字机,但我有资格担任电传操作员。

  • A teletypewriter receiver that produces perforated tape with characters along the edge of the tape .

    一种能产生穿孔纸带并在纸带边缘 打印字符的 电传 打字接收机。

  • Output is again via the teletypewriter .

    输出仍经过该 电传 打字机

  • Design principles of 10 000 Chinese characters radio teletypewriter

    一万汉字 电传 设计原理

  • The word telex is the abbreviation of the term Tele-printer exchange or teletypewriter exchange .

    电传一词是 电传打字机之间相互交换信息的缩写。

  • The simulation result is printed out by the teletypewriter or the line printer in the shape of a waveform diagram ;

    模拟结果以波形图形式由 电传 行打印机打印输出;

  • System ) . ( 6 ) Hardware needed : CPU 16k memory teletypewriter paper tape reader .

    所需硬设备:CPU,内存16K, 电传 打字机,纸带输入机。