


v.告诉讲述( tell的现在分词)

  • Herbert sat quietly through the telling of this saga

    在聆听这个长篇传奇 故事时,赫伯特自始至终安静地坐着。

  • These stories grow in the telling .

    这些故事越 精彩

  • After a couple of brandies Michael started telling me his life story .

    喝了两杯白兰地后,迈克尔开始 讲述他的生平。

  • The most telling condemnation of the system was that it failed to fulfil its function .

    对这一制度最 有力的谴责是它没能发挥其应有的作用。

  • Many of the children know who they are but are not telling .


  • He spoke reasonably carefully and with telling effect

    他说起话来合乎情理,措辞谨慎,而且 说服

  • I rather think he was telling the truth

    我倒觉得他 真话

  • He shut himself in his office telling his secretary to hold all calls .

    他把自己关在办公室里,并 告诉秘书所有的电话都不要转给他。

  • I got a severe telling off for not phoning him .

    我因为没给他打电话,被 狠狠训斥了一顿。

  • There 's no telling what diseases a person can get .

    无法 预知人会得什么病。

  • It 's a kind way of telling aspiring novelists ' Don 't give up the day job ' .

    这是劝诫立志成为小说家者“不要丢了 正业”的一种温和方式。

  • I heard David yelling and telling them to get back .

    我听到戴维高声 喊叫他们回来。

  • She then stormed out in a temper telling him to ' stick his job ' .

    她接着怒气冲冲地走了出去, 告诉他“去他妈的工作”。

  • He could not resist telling her the truth

    他忍不住 实情 告诉了她

  • How a man shaves may be a telling clue to his age .

    男人刮胡子的方式也许能 泄露其年龄。

  • The rest needs no telling .

    其余的不用 了。

  • I 'm only telling you this for your own good !

    我是为了你好才 这个的!

  • Her intuition was telling her that something was wrong

    她的直觉 告诉她一定出了什么问题。

  • Pain is the body 's way of telling us that something is wrong

    疼痛是身体在 告诉我们有地方出问题了。

  • Tom wasted no time in telling me why he had come .

    汤姆马上 告诉了我他来的原因。

  • He had some motive in telling this fable .


  • There 's no telling how long the talks could drag on

    谁也 不准谈判还会拖多久。

  • Some people are so terribly insincere you can never tell if they are telling the truth

    有些人非常虚伪,你根本说不准他们是否在 实话。

  • What 's that old rascal been telling you ?

    那个老家伙一直在 你说些什么?

  • I am telling you first before he arrives .

    趁他还没来,我先 告诉你。

  • She probably sensed that I wasn 't telling her the whole story

    她可能意识到了我并没有 全盘托出

  • Do you suppose he was telling the truth ?

    你认为他 实话吗?

  • You are telling me lies to my very face .

    你在 着我的面撒谎。

  • It was her expression that was the most telling

    她的面部表情最 反映她的 真实 想法

  • I don 't mind telling you I was absolutely terrified .
