


  • Troops are still in control of the television and radio tower .

    军队仍然控制着 电视和广播发射塔。

  • The announcement was broadcast on radio and television .

    通知已在广播和 电视上发布。

  • The Government will allow them to advertise on radio and television

    政府将准许他们在广播和 电视上做广告。

  • Television and radio needed many more women in senior jobs .


  • Our lives are bounded by work family and television .

    我们的生活囿于工作、家庭和 电视中。

  • The government has launched a campaign of television commercials and leaflets .

    政府通过 电视广告和传单的形式发起了宣传活动。

  • But for me television is an escape .

    但是对我而言, 电视是一种逃避的方法。

  • The exorcism was broadcast on television .


  • The main body of the church had been turned into a massive television studio

    该教堂的主体部分已被改造成了一个大型 电视演播室。

  • There 's a closed-circuit television camera in the reception area .

    接待处有一个闭路 电视摄像头。

  • I don 't have much time to watch very much television .

    我没有太多时间可泡在 电视上。

  • She has recently recorded a programme for television .

    她最近录制了 一档 电视节目。

  • We found that television and radio gave rise to far fewer complaints than did the printed media .

    我们发现 电视和广播引发的投诉比印刷媒体要少多了。

  • They erected a television antenna on the roof .

    他们在屋顶上架起了 电视天线。

  • He bought a run-down television station .

    他买下了一个不景气的 电视台。

  • The concert will be broadcast live on television and radio

    音乐会将通过 电视和广播现场直播。

  • Politicians have used television with varying degrees of success .

    政客们已经利用 电视取得了不同程度的成功。

  • The newspapers and television can make or break you

    报纸和 电视会使你成功,也会将你毁掉。

  • She appears nightly on the television news speaking for the State Department .

    她作为国务院的发言人,每晚都会出现在 电视新闻中。

  • British commercial television has been steadily losing its lead as the most advanced sector of the industry in Europe .

    英国商业 电视在逐步失去其作为欧洲 电视 广播业最先进部分的领先地位。

  • Toy manufacturers began promoting some of their products on television

    玩具制造商开始在 电视上推销他们的一些产品。

  • Newspapers television and radio are all providing saturation coverage .

    报纸、 电视和电台全都在铺天盖地地报道。

  • China has almost 15 million subscribers to satellite and cable television .

    中国有将近1万卫星 电视和有线 电视用户。

  • The BBC World Service Television news showed the same film clip

    英国广播公司对外电视 频道的新闻节目播放了同样的电影剪辑片段。

  • This television program provoked a spirited debate in the United Kingdom .

    这个 电视节目在英国引起了激烈的辩论。

  • Television is increasingly being transmitted by satellites .

    越来越多的 电视 节目通过卫星进行转播。

  • They spent a great deal of time watching television .

    他们很多时间都看 电视了。

  • I have been convinced that the print media are more accurate and more reliable than television .

    我已经确信印刷媒体比 电视更准确、更可靠。

  • Each of the homes has a security system and is wired for cable television .

    各户都有安防系统,还装了有线 电视

  • She turned the television on and flicked around between news programmes .

    她打开 电视,来回换 不同的新闻节目。