


  • Data Additive Device for Borehole Colour Televiewer

    井下彩色 电视数据添加器

  • Digital Compression and Coding of Ultrasonic Televiewer Image Based on DCT

    基于DCT的超声 电视 测井图象压缩编码

  • The principle and interpretation technique of the high resolution borehole acoustic televiewer

    高精度钻孔超声波 成像原理及解释技术

  • An Experimental Mimic System for the Digital Supersonic Televiewer

    数字超声 电视 测井实验模拟系统

  • Lossless Compression of Ultrasonic Televiewer Image

    一种超声 电视 测井图像的无失真压缩方案

  • An Analysis of Several Parameters of a Digital Ultrasonic Televiewer Logging System

    数字超声 电视测井系统的几个参数分析

  • The influence of the tool eccentricity in oil well casing on the televiewer image is investigated . A correcting approach based on the computing model is proposed .

    文章研究了在套管井中仪器偏心对 井壁 超声 电视图象的影响,提出了基于计算影响所用模型的校正方法。

  • The Echo Time Detection by the Adaptive Threshold Technique for a Borehole Ultrasonic Logging Televiewer

    井下超声 电视 测井 回波时间检测自适应门限技术

  • John Fiske pays attention to using the Semiology method to study the hegemony forming relations in ideology for TV text televiewer and TV culture .

    菲斯克在 自己 电视研究中注重运用符号学方法研究电视文本、 电视 观众以及电视文化在意识形态中的霸权建构关系。

  • Borehole Televiewer and Borehole Elastic Modulus Test for Transmission Cable Tunnel in Singapore Drilling elastic modulus test on gneiss of dam foundation for Longjiang hydropower station

    钻孔 电视和钻孔弹模在新加坡电力电缆隧道工程中的应用龙江水电站片麻坝基钻孔弹性模量试验

  • Acoustic borehole televiewer with high resolution and its application to deep formation for geological disposal of nuclear waste

    高分辨率声波钻孔 电视及其在核废物地质处置深部岩体研究中的应用

  • Application of PLD to the Surface Communication Module for Digital Ultrasonic Televiewer

    PLD在数字超声 电视地面通信系统中的应用

  • Influence of tool eccentricity in a well casing on the ultrasonic televiewer image and its correction processing

    套管井中仪器偏心对 井壁超声 电视图象的影响及其校正

  • Applies the algorithm defined by JPEG standard to digital compression of ultrasonic televiewer images according to the features of logging image .

    根据测井图象的特点,将JPEG标准算法用于超声 电视 测井图象的压缩, 取得良好 效果

  • With a model for the ultrasonic signal the requirement on receiver and transmitter performance and the detection accuracy of the bearings of an ultrasonic borehole televiewer are discussed .

    本文从超声波信号模型出发,对超声 电视 测井 井下 仪器的接收机、发射机的指标和方位检测精度进行了详细分析。

  • The breakouts began to occur under the depth of 1200m in the main borehole of Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling ( CCSD ) 82 breakout images are collected from acoustic borehole televiewer data between 1200m and 2010m .

    中国大陆科学钻探主钻孔在1200m深度以下出现了钻孔崩落现象,我们在1200m至2015m的范围内采集了82个钻孔 成像 测井图象资料。

  • To use a typical case study introduced treatment procedure : to determine casing failure position through televiewer make a centralizer casing secondary casing then consolidating by cement .

    以典型实例介绍了套管断裂 工程 事故处理步骤:利用 井下 电视确定 管位置, 制作 器,然后下入次一级套管并用水泥封固。