telephone set

[ˈtɛləˌfon sɛt][ˈtelifəun set]


  • It 's a guide to design use and repair of Electronic Telephone set .

    对电子 电话机的设计、使用和维修具有指导意义。

  • The paper discusses the problem of automatic switching between telephone set and facsimile machine and also suggests the method to realize it .

    本文 提出了传真机的 电话、传真自动转换功能及其实现方法。

  • Frequency response of telephone set

    GB/T6362-1986 电话机频率响应

  • User at the telephone set A desires to place a call through the HF system to distant telephone set D.

    位于 电话机A位置的用户要通过HF系统拨打长途电话至电话机D。

  • The paper introduces the basic conception and dialing principle of double audio frequency telephone set also makes analysis and probe of the regular fault .

    文章介绍了双音频 电话机的基本概念和拨号原理,并对常见故障进行了分析与探讨。

  • Fault Diagnosis System of the Programming Controlled Dispatching Telephone Set CDC-3

    CDC-3程控调度 电话分机故障诊断系统

  • EMC Design of the Digital Telephone Set

    数字 电话机电磁兼容设计

  • Characteristics and Ordinary Breakdown Analysis of Telephone Set Integrated Circuit for not Being Lifted Converse


  • Incorporates a full featured telephone set .

    并入 电话机的全部功能。

  • An additional telephone set that is connected to the same telephone line .

    连在同一电话线上的额外的 电话机

  • A failure alarm device designed for a remote equipment control system through a telephone set

    远程设备控制系统故障报警 装置的研制

  • Key on your telephone set to enter voice mailbox .

    按下 话机上的键,以进入语音信箱。

  • The Design Principle of Electronic circuit of HA-883P Telephone Set

    HA&883P型 电话机电子线路的设计原理

  • Exploitation of Machine for Hybrid Electric Vehicle and Its System Simulation ; automatic telephone set

    混合动力电动汽车用电机的开发与系统仿真自动电话机 自动 电话机系统

  • Principle Analysis and Fault Estimation of Double Audio Frequency Telephone set 's Dialing Integrate Circuit


  • Please clean the telephone set including the dial .

    请将 电话机清理一下,包括拨号盘。

  • Performance Analysis of Lightning Protection on Telephone Set


  • The Ethernet telephone set has compact structure reliable performance and is convenient for use it is not only used for voice switching in network but also provides a new approach for network voice dispatching technology .

    以太网 电话机结构紧凑、性能可靠、使用方便,不仅可用于网内的语音交换,还可为网络语音调度技术提供一种新的思路。

  • For example : Securities transactions telephone banking account the password was intercepted by the military command voice messages tapping Voice communication security needs of the occasion the confidentiality of telephone set higher requirements .

    例如:证券交易业务、电话银行业务中账号、密码被截获,军事指挥的 语音信息被敌方窃听等。

  • Suggestions for Perfecting the Fuctions of Domestic Intelligent Telephone Set

    完善国产智能 电话机功能的建议

  • The utility model relates to the technical field of the structure feature of a telephone set and provides a mobile phone protecting shell with a detachable clamp .

    本实用新型属于 电话机的结构特点技术领域,是一种可拆卸卡夹的手机保护壳。

  • With the SOPC technology and embedded software a low cost production of the Ethernet telephone set for practical use has been made .

    应用SOPC技术和嵌入式软件,能够以低成本制作出实用的以太网 电话机

  • Several years later my family set up a telephone set It became easier for us to communicate but we cost more money by calling each other .

    几年以后,我们 家装电话,这样我们交流起来就方便多了,可费用也升上去了。

  • B : You need add a called line indicator or buy a display telephone set after your application .

    申请后需要加装来电显示器或购一部 来电显示 话机

  • Monetary telephone set Institutional Investors Should Be Sensible in Their Investment

    投币式公共 电话机 投币 电话机构投资者应 树立理性投资的理念

  • To improve the Communicative quality of the meeting telephone collecting set is an important topic .

    提高会议 电话 接机 通话质量,是当前研究的一个重要课题。

  • Methods The alarmer was assembled with common integrate circuit and a telephone set to detect the system ′ s state according to the characteristic voice of condensation head .

    方法用普通集成电路及 电话机组装一个报警器,根据冷凝头声音特点来判断制冷系统的工作状态,从而监测制冷系统的工作状态。

  • This paper introduces the basic knowledge of magentic card an IC telephone set and also presents the development and application at home and abroad . Through comparing between the two proposes the suggestion that Tianjin should use IC telephone set as early as possible .

    简要介绍了 磁卡和IC卡 公用 电话的有关知识及国际、国内发展应用的情况,通过对二者的比较,提出了天津市应尽早采用IC卡公用电话的建议。

  • An Improvement on Production Process of Keyboard on Telephone Set
