telephone code

[ˈtɛləˌfon kod][ˈtelifəun kəud]


  • The record and statistic of telephone charging the control of user grade and cipher code telephone are developed deveploped in this system .

    该系统可以实现 电话话单的记录、话费的统计与结算、用户话机权限控制、 密码电话等功能。

  • The image capture and compression card can transmit code stream over telephone wire via Modem and the receiver uses software to decompress the code . In the system we choose the MPEG-4 standard to compress the video and audio .

    图像采集压缩板将压缩后的图像码流通过Modem与 电话线相连;我们选择了Mpeg4标准来对视音频信号进行压缩,压缩后的Mpeg4 码流通过PCI桥芯片传给控制软件。

  • According to the particularity of the QR symbol and the actually captured images by mobile telephone this paper has adopted and improved many methods of image processing and has realized the recognition of QR Code in C language with a good result .

    根据QR条码图像符号的特殊性,针对QR 识别过程中 手机图像采集的实际情况,应用并改进多种图像处理的方法,用C语言实现了对QR条码的译码,取得了良好的效果。

  • Your telephone service provider can tell you the code to turn off call waiting .

    您的 电话服务公司可以告诉您关闭呼叫等待的 号码

  • The secondly part describes the videophone module for each of the constituent and from the upper bottom layer by layer analysis of the video telephone function and implementing method and How to use code to control each component .

    接着对可视电话模块进行了详细的分析,对其组成依次进行了具体的介绍,并从上层到底层逐层分析了可视 电话模块的功能和实现方法以及如何用 代码来进行对各组件的控制。

  • A ten number telephone including the area code home address and zip code eight numbers .

    再加上十位数的 电话 号码(包括 电话 区号),还有 代表家庭住址和邮政区号的八位数。

  • County People 's Government of the domicile of Chengguan town postcode : 742200 telephone area code : 0939 .

    县人民政府住所地城关镇,邮政编码:742200, 电话 区号:0939。

  • I have a business telephone number area code that 's ten more .

    我有个办公 电话的号码(包括 电话 区号),那又是一个十位数。

  • We will also group the address and separate the telephone number and area code into its own group .

    我们还将把地址放在一组,并将 电话号码和 区号放在另一组。

  • All telephone codes include an area code which starts with 0 .

    所有的 电话号码都带有 区号“0”。

  • System design of telephone code checker

    电话 号码查询器系统设计

  • Just enter the country name into the textbox and get its telephone code .

    你只要输入国家的名称就可以得到这个国家或地区的 区号了。

  • Please include your telephone number area code .

    请注明 电话地区 编号

  • Telephone number ( include area code )

    电话号码(包括地区 代号

  • Returning to the example of the telephone number if a match is made you may want to store the area code prefix and line number in separate fields of a database .

    返回到 电话号码示例,如果找到匹配,您可能希望将 区号、前缀和行号保存到数据库的独立字段中。

  • Every telephone number also has an area code .

    美国和加拿大, 电话号码 通常 7数字

  • Insulation : High density polyethylene or polypropylene color coded in accordance with standard telephone industry code .

    绝缘材料:高密度聚乙烯,按照全 色谱标准 标明绝缘 线的颜色。

  • Telephone & Bar Code Coupling System for Account Inquiry

    电话 语音 条形码耦合式查询系统

  • In this paper a system scheme of the digital telephone meassage system with DSP and FPGA is introduced which concerns the recording and replaying of compressed code pronounciations compressive coding of G.

    介绍了采用DSP和FPGA实现数字 电话留言系统的一种方案。通过对语音信号压缩编码实现高效数字录音及回放,用 TMS320C542实现G。

  • This paper proposes a hybrid error control scheme suitable for wireless ATM systems that is voice telephone is protected by pure RS code video and data are protected by truncated RS / Type II hybrid ARQ protocol .

    本文提出了一种适用于无线ATM系统的混合纠错方案:用RS 保护话音 信号,用截短RS/混合Ⅱ型ARQ保护图像和数据。