


  • The later embryonic development of dorsal - lateral area in Alligator sinensis telencephalon : an ultrastructural study

    扬子鳄胚胎发育后期端 背侧区的超微结构观察

  • Conclusions There are abundant nucleus within the telencephalon projecting to the substantia nigra in the rat .

    结论大鼠 内存在丰富核团向黑质投射。

  • In medicine and anatomy the use of the term to refer to the telencephalon .

    医学及解剖学上, 用大脑指

  • Study on the Relationship between the Dorsal Telencephalon Radial Glia and Cholinergic Neurons


  • The distribution of phosphorylated p44 / 42mapk in telencephalon and diencephalon of adult cat

    磷酸化的p44/42MAPK在成年猫 和间脑内的分布

  • In the brains vacuoles were mainly apparent in the telencephalon the diencephalon and the cerebellum .

    在脑部,空泡主要分布在 、间脑和小脑。

  • Neurogenesis occurs in some areas of the telencephalon of adult songbirds .

    成年 鸣禽前脑的某些区域 具有神经元的再生现象。

  • AIM : To search the evidences for whether cholinergic neuron is derived from radial glial cell in developing telencephalon and study the relationship of ontogeny of cholinergic neuron and differentiation of neural stem cell .

    目的:为在 发育中胆碱能神经元是否来源于放射状胶质细胞寻找实验证据,以分析胆碱能神经元发生与神经干细胞分化之间的关系。

  • The newborn neurons distributed throughout the telencephalon mainly in the neostriatum caudale and pars medialis ( NCM );

    这些神经元不均匀分布在 的全部。新纹状体尾瑞中部( NCM)是新生神经元的富集区;

  • These data suggest that newborn neurons in adult critical-period songbirds are originated only from the ventricular zone of telencephalon and distributed mainly in the NCM and that they are functional neurons with typical features of mature neurons .

    本实验的结果表明,成年临界型鸣禽 中的新生神经元可能起源于 脑室带区,大量新生 神经元主要分布于NCM,到达 目的脑区的新生神经元已经发育成熟并具有功能神经元的特征。

  • Preliminary Research to the Electrophysiological Properties of Vocal Motor Nucleus in Telencephalon of Songbird

    鸣禽 发声运动核团电生理特性初探

  • By methods of chronobiology the effects of chrono-exercise on the circadian and amounts of glutamate neuro - transmitters in Rat 's three brain levels ( stem brain diencephalon and telencephalon ) were studied .

    本研究运用时间生物学的研究方法,就力竭性运动对大鼠脑干、间脑和 3个脑层次中兴奋性氨基酸类神经递质谷氨酸(Glu)的量变及近似昼夜节律的影响进行了研究。

  • Methods NADPH-d histochemical method was used to investigate the micromorphology and distribution of NOS positive neurons in rat telencephalon from embryonic day 14 ( El4 ) to postnatal day 14 ( P14 ) .

    方法应用还原型尼克酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸脱氢酶(NADPH-d)组织化学方法观察孕14d起至生后14d大鼠 内NOS阳性神经元的形态和分布。

  • Methods ① After isolated from fetal rat telencephalon and identified with nestin immunocytochemical staining NSCs were induced to differentiate .

    方法①分离、培养胚鼠 神经干细胞,并用 (Nestin)免疫组化染色鉴定;

  • Afferent projections from the diencephalon and subcortical telencephalon to the prefrontal cortex in the rat & a WGA-HRP study

    大鼠间脑和皮质 下端 到前额叶皮质的传入投射&WGA-HRP法研究

  • Confirmed by experiment Radial Glia can generate virtually all cortical projection neurons but not the interneurons originating in the ventral telencephalon .

    经实验证实,放射状胶质细胞可以产生大脑皮质的投射神经元,但是不产生源于 腹侧的中间神经元。

  • WGA-HRP was injected into the dorsal part of anterior cingulate area prelim - bic area and dorsal agranular insular area of the prefrontal cortex in 25 rats to observe the afferent connections from the diencephalon and subcortical telencephalon .

    本研究将WGA-HRP注射于25只大鼠前额叶皮质的前扣带回背部、前边缘区及岛叶无颗粒皮质背部,观察其间 和皮质 下端 的传入联系。

  • Study on Mechanisms of Generation of Cholinergic Neuron in Developing Telencephalon


  • Effect of HSV-1 infection on the viability of the primary cultured chicken embryo telencephalon neurons

    单纯疱疹病毒1型对体外培养鸡胚 神经元活性的影响

  • The afferent projections of the orbital cortex were studied from telencephalon in rat . Methods : HRP retrograde tracing technique .

    目的:研究大鼠眶皮质 各区 传入纤维联系.方法:HRP逆行示踪法。

  • At E 10.5 d besides the regions where positive signals were detected on E 9.5 d HIF-1 α mRNA was clearly observed in the telencephalon diencephalons developing limbs and caudal regions .

    到E10.5d,阳性信号除在E9.5d检测到的部位继续富集外,在 、间脑、发育中的肢芽以及尾部也出现较强的HIF-1αmRNA的表达,且在心脏原基的表达亦进一步增强。

  • Microinjection of α - interferon into lateral ventricles or periaqueductal grey matter might induce marked increase in the pain threshold in rats . But the concentrations of 5-HT and 5-HIAA in telencephalon and brainstem did not show any change and only in diencephalon the 5-HT obviously decreased .

    由侧脑室或在中脑导水管周围灰质内微量注射入白细胞α-干扰素可以引起大鼠痛阈明显上升,但 内5-HT和 5-HIAA均无变化。

  • Afferent connections from telencephalon to orbital cortex in rat

    大鼠眶皮质的 传入纤维联系

  • Afferent fibrous connections of the substantia nigra from the telencephalon in the rat

    大鼠 内核 黑质的传入纤维联系

  • Regulation of the Transcription Factor ISL-1 by Bone Morphogenetic Proteins in Telencephalon Development


  • Afferent projections to the dorsolateral area and the dorsal area of the caudal part of the midbrain periaqueductal gray from telencephalon and diencephalon in the rat-the retrograde transport technique of HRP study

    大白鼠中脑导水管周围灰质尾侧半背外侧区和背侧区的传入投射 &HRP逆行追踪方法研究

  • Telencephalon afferents of the basolateral nuclear group of amygdala in rats

    大鼠杏仁基底外侧核群的 传入联系

  • Effects of Tonifying Shen Recipe on Advanced Glycation End Products Amyloid - β Peptide in Telencephalon and Hippocampus of Ovariectomized Rats

    补肾方药对去卵巢大鼠 、海马晚期糖化终末产物及β-淀粉样肽含量的影响

  • Conclusion The cells from fetal rat telencephalon possess multipotency and self renew ability and is believed to be BSCs of the central nervous system .

    结论从胚鼠 分离培养的细胞具有自我更新能力和多潜能分化能力,为中枢神经系统的干细胞。