telecommunication lines

[法] 电信线路

  • Surge protection should be provided at the point where the power and telecommunication lines enter and leave the building .

    电力线及 通信 线入、出建筑物的 线端应安装电涌防护器。

  • The 1 ‰ Sensitive Coefficient of Telecommunication Lines with the Standards at Home and Abroad

    电信 线的1‰敏感系数与国内外标准

  • The Computation of Electrostatic Danger Effects from Power Lines on Telecommunication Lines with Some Grounded Lines

    强电线路对 通信 导线 中有接地导线时的电危险影响计算

  • Specification for design of telecommunication lines against danger effects from electric power lines

    送电线路对 电信 线路危险影响设计规程

  • The paper begins with describing the progress of multiplexing technology development in telecommunication lines and networks from electrical FDM to digital TDM and recently to optical WDM .

    首先说明 通信 设施使用多路技术的发展进程,从过去的频分多路(FDM)至数字的时分多路(TDM)到最近的波分 多路(WDM)。

  • Construction Testing Analyse Technique for Telecommunication Optical Fiber Cable Lines This paper expounds the specific application of the above .

    通信光缆 线路施工与测试技术分析本文就上述问题在 通信光缆 线路工程设计中的具体应用进行了论述。

  • Study on permissible induced voltage in overhead telecommunication lines caused by power lines

    电线路对架空 通信 明线感应电压允许值的研究

  • The system is using the existing the network resources to obtain the prominent economic benefit through organizing the telephone communication without putting on the lines and purchasing the telecommunication network equipments which is saved much costs such as equipment charges lines charges and project charges .

    计算机网络电话通信系统无需铺设电话线路和购置电话 通信网络设备,节省大量建设电话网络的设备费、 线路费和工程费等费用,可取得显著的经济效益。

  • This paper discusses the multi-layer effects of earth for the resistive coupling between power and telecommunication transmission lines .

    本文从强弱 电传线间的阻性耦合的角度论述了大地多层效应。

  • The telecommunication network characterized by distribution determines that the working places of the workers maintaining the communication base stations and the lines for the network are scattered . The non-stop expansion of the huge communication network demands more maintainers .

    通信网络的分布式特性,决定了从事通信基站和通信 线路维护工作的员工的工作地点是分散的,随着通信网络越来越庞大,需要的网络维护人员越来越多。

  • The inductive effects between power Lines and telecommunication lines can easily be calculated if the mutual inductance has been known .

    如果电力线与 通信 线之间的互感系数已经知道了,那么计算它们之间的电磁感应效应是很容易的。

  • Analysis of Radio Interference on Mobile Telecommunication Station from HV Overhead Transmission Lines

    高压架空 线路对移动 通信基站的无线电干扰影响

  • For telecommunication lines when its outside part uses optical fiber cable and at the entrance of building it is then changed to metallic line such as twisted pair or coaxial cable .

    关于 电信 线缆,当它的外部使用光纤电缆,而在建筑的入口处改成了金属电缆,如双绞线或同轴电缆。

  • For this reason writers deduce some precise theoretical formulae Concerning the mutual inductance between telecommunication lines and symmetrical three-phase power lines then simplify the theoretical formulae and give some new simplified formulae which correct the older simplified formulae .

    鉴于上述理由,笔者推导出对称三相输电线与 通信 线之间互感耦合系数的理论公式,给出了新的简化计算公式,更正了原来的简化计算公式的错误。

  • Specification for calculation of noise disturbance effects of AC electrification railways on telecommunication lines

    交流电气化铁道对 电信 线路杂音干扰影响的计算规程

  • The transverse voltage will be induced along communication lines because of the electromagnetic field of the fault current of power lines . It is important to compute the transverse voltage over telecommunication lines for the design of rights-of-way and setting of protects .

    电力线路发生短路故障时,在通信线路上由于电磁感应产生横向电压,此电压的计算对于 通信 线路设计和保护配置具有重要意义。

  • Attenuation of Electromagnetic Interference in Telecommunication Lines

    电信 线对电磁干扰的衰减

  • So the only concern is the direct protection of the electric and telecommunication lines entering the building .

    所以唯一需要考虑的只是进入建筑物的电力 线通信 线的直接防护。

  • Consideration of Structure of Telecommunication Transmission Network Within Section of Seperate up and Down Lines

    上下行 铁路分离区段的 通信传输网组网方案研究

  • Allowance of Telecommunication Line against Harmful Effects from DC Transmission Lines

    电信 明线承受直流输电 线路危险影响的允许值

  • Discussion on Sensitive Coefficients of Telecommunication Lines

    电信 线敏感系数的探讨

  • The validity of the method is proved by calculating the mutual impedance between overhead power lines and underground telecommunication lines .

    架空电力线路与地下 通信 线路互阻抗的计算结果验证了论文方法的正确性和高效性。

  • Should external electric and telecommunication lines entering structures with external lightning protection system ( LPS ) be protected against the effect of a direct lightning stroke striking that LPS ?

    带有外部雷击防护系统(LPS)的外部电力线及 通信 线在进入建筑物时,是否应进一步考虑防护,以避免直击雷对LPS的影响?

  • Technical Considerations for Long Distance High Speed Telecommunication Trunk Lines

    长途高速 通信主干 线的技术考虑

  • Joint International Committee for the Protection of Telecommunication Lines and Ducts

    保护 电信 线路和管道联合国际委员会

  • The High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse Coupling to Telecommunication Coaxial Cable Lines

    高空核爆电磁脉冲对同轴电缆 通信 线路的影响