tee off

[ti ɔf][ti: ɔf]


  • Let'sgo to the golf course this afternoon and tee off at2o'clock .

    我们今天下午两点去高尔夫球场 打球吧。

  • Most people like an early morning tee off to avoid the hot sun .

    多数人喜欢一早 开始 打球不会晒到大太阳。

  • Which of you should tee off first ?

    你们哪位先 开球

  • Hole strategy : Identify the reference at tee off and not to be affected by the bunker on the left .

    球洞攻略: 开球 找准参照点,不要受左边沙坑的影响。

  • I watched two players tee off hoist their bags and march off to battle .

    我看见两名球员 走过 球座,拎起背包,开始比赛。

  • In a few hours time most of the world 's top golfers tee off in the US Masters .

    再过几个小时,世界上的大多数顶级高尔夫球手将在美国大师赛上 开球

  • You tee off on the plastic turf whacking your ball against the screen .

    你在塑料草地上 发球,对着屏幕用力猛击。

  • Let 's meet at the clubhouse at 1:30 this afternoon and tee off at two .

    我们今天下午1:30在高尔夫球俱乐部会所会面,两点钟 开球

  • Sir / Mr. XYZ which club would you like to use to tee off .

    先生/YZ先生,请问您要用哪支 球杆 开球

  • This baby tee shows off your well-toned arms and sexy shoulders .

    这件紧身 T恤衫可显现你结实、 线条优美的手臂和性感的肩膀。

  • This is a blind tee shot because the hedge cuts in but the wind off the right can help shape your drive .

    由于树篱的 遮挡,这是个盲球。但是 向右的风可以帮你调整 的路线。

  • That really teed off the old boy .

    那可确实 激怒 那个老家伙。

  • Something the boy said to him teed him off

    不知那个男孩说了些什么, 惹恼 他。

  • You 're supposed to tee off at your designated time .

    你应该在 好的时间 开始

  • Make sure to have tee to six months of emergency cash stashed away to pay barebones expenses if you 're laid off .

    如果被 解雇 ,确定有足够的现金能够在 到六个月中应付紧急事件。

  • Before you tee off I have something really amazing to show you !

    在您 发球前,我请您看一样超神奇的东西。

  • And it is believed that she will become the first of the current crop of LPGA Tour player to tee off in a Winter Series tournament .

    可信的是,她将成为LPGA巡回赛球员中的第一个可以在冬季系列赛 发球的球员。

  • There are tee many people living off the government .

    有很多人 依靠政府 救济生活。

  • Next to tee off happy gllmore .

    下面开始 发球,海皮。吉尔摩。

  • Tee off on99 challenging mini golf tracks in4 exciting theme worlds !


  • Thank you said a smiling Obama clad in brown slacks and a black shirt to a cheering crowd as he stepped up to the tee to fire off his opening drive .

    奥巴马身着棕色休闲裤和黑色T恤衫。在 前往 发球 击出 第一 之前,奥巴马微笑着对欢呼的人群说:“谢谢”。