techniques of handling

[经] 处理技术

  • With the rapid development of advanced automated manufacturing techniques the use of computer-controlled automated manufacturing cell with the material handling device is widely used .

    随着先进自动化制造 技术的快速发展,基于计算机控制的物料 搬运装置的自动化制造单元被广泛应用。

  • Secondly we improve the efficiency of transaction support module by applying the proxy and thread pool techniques . Thirdly we adopt anti-patterns to improve the efficiency and agility of message handling .

    其次,我们采用代理技术和线程池 技术,提高了事务支持部分的效率,并利用反模式的思想改进了消息 处理 机制,提高了消息 处理的性能及使用的灵活性。

  • The third part to study of various playing techniques detailed . The fourth part of Musical based on the structure of the work performed to explore the handling of music .

    第三部分研究各种演奏 技法,第四部分根据作品的曲式结构详细研究演奏中对音乐的 处理

  • This paper discusses tensioning techniques of beams for prestressed concrete bridge . These techniques include selection and calibration of equipment measurement of elongation and handling with sliding and broken wires .

    对预应力混凝土桥梁张拉设备种类选择及标定 方法、预应力的伸长值的测量方法以及预应力筋滑丝与断丝 处理等若干张拉技术问题进行了探讨。

  • When techniques collectively known as Asynchronous JavaScript + XML ( Ajax ) came along a couple of years ago they provided a revolutionary method for handling page requests and responses .

    当统称为AsynchronousJavaScript+XML(Ajax)的 技术在两年前出现时,这些 技术处理页面请求和响应提供了一种革命性方法。

  • A detailed survey is carried out to compare the various translation strategies and techniques of handling metaphors in Chinese poetry of the ancient time . Then a final goal of getting some systematic scientific and feasible translation methods in ancient Chinese poetry is achieved .

    采用对比 研究 方法,对古汉语诗歌隐喻翻译的不同策略和 技巧加以比较 研究,最终提出了系统、科学、可行的古汉语诗歌隐喻的翻译方法。

  • This paper summaries several problems existing in flexible machining of box-type parts such as : Selection of machining centers selection of tools determination of machining techniques selection of handling conveying system selection of fixture . matching of inspecting and testing devices and instruments .

    概述了箱体类零件柔性加工常遇到的几个问题,如加工中心的选用,刀具的选择,加工 工艺的确定, 物流输送系统,夹具的选用,检测设备与仪器的配置等。

  • The Application of Fuzzy Forecasting Techniques of Logistic Curve to the Prediction of Harbour Handling Capacity

    Logistic曲线Fuzzy预测 在港口 吞吐量预测中的应用

  • CAE analysis techniques of automotive handling and stability characteristics and Applications

    汽车 操纵稳定性的CAE分析 技术及应用