


  • The patent merchandise quotation is an essential to the management of patent technocracy work .

    在专利 技术管理工作中 专利商品估价工作是必不可少的。

  • His slogans come from the world of nationalism not the world of technocracy .

    他的 口号来自民族主义的世界,而不是来自 技术的世界。

  • We are against mixed new leftist and postmodern attitude and we are against vulgar technocracy .

    反对混合 主义、新左派和后现代的 态度,反对 庸俗 技术主义。

  • Although technocracy is better than bureaucracy it still has many shortcomings . For example It Lacks to manage the other necessary knowledge of the modern society and the quality ;


  • Through technology and technocracy Mr Rudd hopes to avoid being impaled on the horns of a herd of approaching dilemmas .

    通过技术与 技术 官僚 政治,陆克文希望能够躲开一大批日益迫近的两难困境的利刺。

  • Crankishness aside technocracy and autocracy have long been natural bedfellows .

    除了古怪之外, 技术 官僚和专制早就已经同床异梦。

  • West Technocracy an important social thought claims that experts should govern society totally .

    专家 治国 是西方一种重要的社会思潮,它主张 技术专家全面管理社会。

  • Many are opposed to a technocracy because they do not wish to be ruled by technical experts .

    许多人反对 科技 专家 政治,因为他们不想被科技专家们控制。

  • In Daniel Bell 's mind Taylor is perhaps the most important person applying the theory of technocracy to the actual industrial practice .

    丹尼尔·贝尔认为泰罗是将 科技 治国方式用于实际的工业实践方面也许最重要的人物。

  • Through analyzing the choices made by enterprises in face of crises the paper introduces technocracy in the theory of human capital .

    通过解释企业危机时的选择,介绍了人力 资本论 技术 性质 决定论。

  • Short History and Dilemma of the Legitimacy of West Technocracy

    西方 专家 治国 合法性的历史演变及其困境

  • Technocracy that enhance the construction process control measure adopting effectively especially concrete protects to the surface crack of the concrete of cancellation particularly for key .

    加强施工过程的 技术 管理,采取有效的控制措施,特别是砼的养护对消除砼的表面裂缝尤为关键。

  • If the centre-left is likely to be little better than Mr Berlusconi at reforming Italy then technocracy has an irresistible appeal .

    既然对于意大利改革 而言,中左派的表现并不会比贝卢斯科尼好多少, 技术 官僚就有了不可抵挡的号召力。

  • Technocracy and Eco-disaster : an Analysis of Dystopian Eco-novel Oryx and Crake ;

    技术 统治与生态灾难:试析反乌托邦生态小说《羚羊与秧鸡》

  • Technocracy claims that experts of science and technology govern society totally .

    技术 统治 主张科技专家对社会进行全盘的统治或管理。