temporary budget

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri ˈbʌdʒɪt][ˈtempərəri ˈbʌdʒit]


  • He said the downturn would affect government finances and lead to a temporary budget deficit .

    他表示,此轮下滑将影响政府财政,导致“ 暂时 预算赤字”。

  • If this proposed limit is exceeded it should trigger an emergency and temporary procedure where the member state would need its budget and borrowing plans to be approved by the EU Council before they are enacted .

    如果某个成员国超过该建议限值,应触发一道紧急、 临时 程序,该成员国的 预算和借款方案需经欧盟理事会(eucouncil)批准后,方可付诸实施。

  • Budget preparation time is too short temporary demonstration and temporary project . The preparation of the draft budget is too thick and preparation process is very opaque . The content of the budget is not comprehensive .

    预算编制时间太短,临时论证、 临时立项; 预算草案编制过粗,编制过程不透明;预算的内容不全面。

  • The center said that many temporary telephone so there was no budget relying on their wages is a fine development .

    就说这个所里,有不少 临时的联防队员,根本没 财政 预算,他们的工资就是靠罚款发的。