


  • There are also the teeny countries that may be hoping to profit from their very nationhood : St. Kitts and Nevis Vanuatu Antigua and Barbuda & all are targeting Chinese investors .

    同样还有一些 国家希望能够从他们的国家地位中获益:圣基茨岛,尼维斯,瓦努阿图共和国,安提瓜以及巴布达都将目标定位于中国投资商上。

  • A gleam came from the window . There 's a little teeny light way .

    从窗户射进一道微光。有一条有 微弱的光的路。

  • In fact this is a teeny tiny deal for Petrochina .

    事实上,这对中石油来说是一 小的交易。

  • You know another really good business ? Teeny tiny baby coffins .

    知不知道还有一种生意也相当好?婴儿 棺材

  • England has long been a green-fingered nation and the lush gardens whether a gigantic plot or teeny pot represent a passion for gardening that borders on obsessive .

    英国人历来具有高超的园艺技能。那些郁郁葱葱的花园,无论是大片的草地还是 窄小的花坛,总能体现出英国人对于园艺的热爱,这种热爱近乎于一种迷恋。

  • But how can teeny tiny ants repel a big old elephant which is after all about a billion times more massive ?

    但是,这些小 不能 小的蚂蚁是如何让大象 退避三舍的呢?毕竟大象要比它们大十亿倍。

  • In the body of Abraham were millions of little teeny tiny people .

    在亚伯拉罕的身体里,是成千上万的 小小人。

  • Ten years ago I never would have worn jeans to the office and now they creep in about once a week albeit with a blazer and heels and occasionally a teeny banana handprint .

    十年前,我绝对不会穿牛仔裤去办公室,而现在我大概每周都会穿上一次,不过是搭配西装上衣和高跟鞋,牛仔裤上偶尔还会有 小小的香蕉手印。

  • He was selling snowballs in the street in New York from small to x-large in a row little teeny ones graduating to big handfuls .

    他在纽约卖从小到大的雪球, 小小的倒慢慢滚到像手那么大的。

  • The store owner smiled and whistled and out of the kennel came Lady who ran down the aisle of his store followed by five teeny tiny balls of fur .

    店主微微一笑,吹了一声口哨,随即,从狗窝里钻出来一 狗妈妈,顺着过道, 地跑过来,后面跟着五 点儿大的小毛球。

  • My sister always carries a teeny purse with her .

    我姊姊总是会随身带个 皮包。

  • Now baby Britneys and teeny Christeenies are pestering their parents to have a wardrobe that 's beyond their years .

    现在那些小“布莱特妮”“和小” 克瑞斯蒂尼“们总是缠着自己的父母给自己买成人款式的衣服。

  • There 's a little teeny light way .

    有一条有 微弱的光的路。

  • Sorry about your teeny weeny .

    为你的 缺点感到 可惜

  • Sue never carried anything other than the teeniest purse .

    休从来 钱包

  • That 's only a teeny weeny little femur .

    这是一根 小小的股骨。

  • Now are you telling me that you are so unbelievably arrogant that you can 't admit that there 's a teeny tiny possibility that you could be wrong about this ?

    现在你是想告诉我,你傲慢到不愿承认 进化 有那么 一丁点的可能是错误的吗?

  • Jester : oops I forgot to mention one teeny Wittle item .

    杰斯特:对了,我差点忘记了一个 小小的细节。

  • There 's a little teeny light way . shine with a weak or fitful light .

    有一条有 微弱的光的路。微弱或者间歇性的发光。

  • According to ancient ideas inside the body of every man are not just little sperm swimming around but each of those little things is a homunculus a little person a little teeny tiny person .

    根据古人的想法,在每个男人身体里,不只是游来游去的小精子,而是小矮人,小小的人, 小小的人。

  • On the first floor is a pretty caf é offering take-away bonbons in teeny paper handbags .

    博物馆底层是一家漂亮的咖啡厅,提供可以外带的糖果,它们都用精小的 纸制手袋包装。

  • I must admit to a teeny touch of envy .

    我得承认我有一 点点嫉妒。

  • I see a lot of teeny - boppers at the rock concert .

    在摇滚音乐会上,我看到了许多 少年音乐迷。