temperature compensator


  • An automatic temperature compensator is available for use with the ultraviscoson .

    有一种自动 温度 补偿器配合超声粘度计工作。

  • A copper-constantan thermocouple reference junction temperature compensator which is based on the compensating brige method and in which a thermistor is used as the temperature sensitive element is descr - ibed .

    本文描述了一种利用桥路补偿法,采用热敏电阻作感温元件制成的铜&康铜热电偶参考端 温度 补偿器

  • A copper-constantan thermocouple reference junction temperature compensator

    铜-康铜热电偶参考端 温度 补偿器

  • The paper introduces the application of compensator to steam pipeline working at medium pressure and medium temperature states the measures taken in a bid to reduce the temperature and pressure drops which will be of practical significance for spherical compensator to improve its energy-saving results .

    介绍了球形补偿器在中温中压管道中的应用,阐述了减少 降、压降及 损失的 设计措施,对提高球形 补偿器的节能效果有实际意义。

  • The existing density compensator model does not fit high temperature and pressure saturated vapor the density compensator precision is low and causes big error in saturated vapor measurement .

    现有的密度补偿模型不适合 高温高压饱和蒸汽的流量测量,密度 补偿精度较低,导致蒸汽流量测量误差较大。

  • Application of Temperature Compensator in Temperature Process Measuring Recorder

    温度 补偿器在温度过程测量记录仪表中的运用

  • For improving this experiment a temperature compensator is made out which replaces the mixture of water and ice .

    对实验进行改进,制作一台 温度 补偿器,用其取代冰水混和物。

  • On the study of the dynamic characteristic of the thin-film thermocouple used in transient high temperature measurement an approach that can widen the working frequency band and reduce the dynamic error is reported by using the compensator of sensor dynamic inverse model .

    针对用于瞬态 高温测量薄膜热电偶的动态特性研究问题,提出通过建立传感器的动态逆模型 补偿器,来展宽其工作频带,以此来减小动态误差的方法。

  • Fishing method of downhole temperature compensator

    井下 温度 补偿器的打捞方法

  • The Study and Made of Temperature Compensator of the Clod Side of The Thermocouples

    热电偶冷端 温度 补偿器的研制

  • Single-block double 45 ° LN low temperature compensator

    单块双45°LN 低温 补偿器

  • The Investigation and Discussion of the Acidometer Electricity Meter the Automation Temperature Compensator Arouses the Error to the Showing Value

    对酸度计电计自动 温度 补偿器引起示值误差检定的探讨