


v.刺青,文身( tattoo的现在分词 )连续有节奏地敲击作连续有节奏的敲击

  • 4my name is xxx . I have been tattooing for5 years .

    我的名字是某某某。我 纹身 已经5年了。

  • This tribe also practiced facial tattooing which symbolized entry into adulthood and eligibility for marriage .

    面,是 泰雅 民族 精神的象征,男女在成年后有 习俗

  • Di Maio also said that if Van Gogh did shoot himself there would have been soot powder tattooing and searing of the skin around the entrance .

    迪马尤也声称:如果梵高是开枪射杀自己,那么伤口入口就该是被煤烟弄脏,出现粉末的 纹身样,且入口处的皮肤是灼伤的。

  • Following communication and selection of the desired pattern you may appoint another day for tattooing .

    您和我们沟通或者选定理想的图案后, 当天 纹身,可以 另行 约定

  • For the 59-year-old has opted to keep track of his globe-trotting exploits by tattooing a map of the world on his back and then colouring in the countries as he goes along .

    这位59岁的退休律师选择用 纹身 方式,来将自己的环球探险经历一一记录。他在背上 了一张世界地图,每去一个国家,就把那个国家 颜色。

  • Despite some taboos surrounding tattooing the art continues to be popular in many parts of the world .

    尽管取得一些禁忌 纹身纹身艺术仍然流行在世界上许多地区。

  • The risks of receiving an infection from unsanitary tattooing equipment or irritating an allergy with tattoo pigments although uncommon are real .

    因为不卫生的 刺青仪器而染病,或受到刺青颜料影响而有过敏反应虽然少见,但是真的会发生。

  • A man showed off the tribute to his died niece by tattooing her image on his stomach .

    这名男子将已故 侄女 头像 在自己的肚子上。

  • A lot of places even banned tattooing due to the fact that they thought tattooing was morally wrong and a health risk .

    可知,许多地方甚至禁止 纹身,因为他们认为纹身是道德败坏的表现而且对健康有威胁。故选。

  • The pain comes from the cluster of needles on the tattooing machine piercing your skin very rapidly .

    疼痛来自于 纹身机非常快速 地带 一簇针刺入皮肤。

  • And scarring or tattooing with infected knives or needles are far more likely causes of HIV infection .

    或被带有病毒的小刀或细针 留下 伤口刺青,这些都是造成HIV病毒感染的更可能原因。

  • Tom : He is different except tattooing on the skin he has tattooed a pair of glasses on his face .

    这个人可不一样,他除了在身体上有 文身外,还在脸上文了一副眼镜。

  • We decided to not pursue any tattooing system for Mask of the Betrayer .

    我们决定在 资料 不再 增加 纹身系统。

  • There has been a massive explosion in tattooing in the last ten years .

    过去十年里, 纹身 出现了突飞猛进的 发展

  • It is no longer taboo and the next generation may opt out of tattooing because it is so mainstream .

    纹身已不再是禁忌,下一代人可能都不会选择去 纹身,因为它 已经 变得太主流了。

  • Comparatively tattooing is not the hideous custom which it is called .

    ,比较 起来 还不 是人们所说的可怕的 习气

  • The earliest record of tattooing comes from egypt .

    关于 纹身的最早记载来自埃及。

  • The Humanism Investigation on The New Teeth Cosmetology Teeth Decorating and Tattooing ; capped teeth gave her a beautiful smile .

    新兴牙齿美容医疗&饰齿与 齿的人文 审视人造 牙冠 前齿使她有了美丽的笑容。

  • After tying his wife up and cutting characters into her face Wei rubbed ashes into the injury tattooing her .

    在将妻子五花大绑并且刻上那些 字眼后,魏胜雄将灰涂抹在伤口上, 以便使伤痕 留存下来形成 刺青

  • Radiation sports injuries tattooing and any physical insult to the lymphatic pathways can also cause lymphedema .

    放射、运动损伤、 纹身和任何的对淋巴通路的 侵犯也会导致淋巴水肿。

  • Sharing of contaminated injection equipment tattooing skin-piercing tools and surgical equipment .

    共用受艾滋病毒污染的注射器具、 纹身和皮肤穿孔工具以及手术设备。

  • It is a form of body modification which also includes tattooing branding foot binding tongue splitting plastic surgery and body building .

    它是一种身体改造形式, 同类的还有 文身、印、足、舌、形手术和健身。

  • In the study of ear tattooing the researchers were unable to use ear position so the highest possible score was eight .

    在耳朵 纹身的研究中,研究人员不能使用耳朵的位置,所以最高分可能是八分。

  • If the instruments are reused tattooing shaving acupuncture and ear-piercing also risk transmission .

    其次便是针筒再用、 纹身、剃胡子、针灸和穿耳等;

  • Since it is only your skin that is being pierced during the tattooing process only your blood is being exposed .


  • Tattooing of the body was traditionally used to symbolise ones family lineage and today this art form is again becoming popular .

    纹身被用来表明家庭世系,如今又重新风行起来。 很多 民会把他们的 亲戚 埋葬 庭院

  • After years of concerns the tattooing industry has cleaned up its image .

    目前, 纹身产业的形象 从前已有 很大改观。

  • Enjoy all-new skills and activities ! Master the arts of inventing sculpting and tattooing and use your skills to earn Simoleons .

    新的资料片带给你的是新的技能和互动。精通艺术、雕塑和 刺青的技能。利用市民新的能力来为赚取模币。