temperature scale

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr skel][ˈtempəritʃə skeil]


  • Nonlinearity of temperature and scale factor modeling and compensating of FOG

    光纤陀螺 温度 因数非线性建模与补偿

  • The linearized straight line pass through the zero of kelvin temperature scale accuracy comes to 0.01 % in the range of 60 ℃ .

    线化直线通过绝对 温度 坐标原点,并在60℃温域内,达到0.01%的精确度。

  • A Solid Corrosion and Scale Inhibitor with High Temperature Resistance And its properties such as dissolution and dispersion ability in water high temperature resistance scale and corrosion inhibition efficiencies were studied .

    对这种固体缓蚀阻垢剂在水中溶解性、分散性、耐 高温性、缓蚀效率、 阻垢效率进行了研究分析,并从电化学的角度研究了它在金属表面的吸脱附行为。

  • The platinum resistance thermometer is a standard interpolating instrument of the international practical temperature scale of 1968 ( IPTS-68 ) But the formula for resistance-temperature stipulated by IPTS-68 is very complex and has given rise to problems in calculation and measurement of low temperature .

    铂电阻温度计是1968年国际实用 温标(IPTS-68)的标准插补仪器。但IPTS-68规定的电阻-温度公式十分复杂,在低温计算及精密自动测量上带来了问题。

  • On the Realization of International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968 from 0 ℃ to 630 ℃

    关于复现0&630℃范围内1968国际实用 温标的研究

  • The vegetation can reduce the air temperature obviously within a certain air temperature scale ( when air temperature is higher in spring summer and autumn ) .

    在一定 温度 范围 (夏季和春、秋气温较高时)植物具有明显降低沙漠地区气温的作用。

  • Calculation of standard platinum resistance thermometer in the international temperature scale of 1990


  • In present paper the apparatus and techniques used in NIM for realization of International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968 from 0 ℃ to 630 ℃ are described .

    本文报导中国计量科学研究院在建立0&630℃范围内国际实用 温标时所使用的仪器和技术。

  • Research on high selective carbon monoxide shift catalyst used at low temperature and low scale of steam to gas

    高选择性低 气比一氧化碳 低温变换催化剂的研究

  • The kinetics of calcium carbonate scale formation has been studied based on the conductivity measurement including the rate of the nucleus formation and crystal growth as well as the influences of temperature and the scale inhibitors .

    采用监测溶液电导率的方法,研究了碳酸钙的结垢速率,包括晶核生长速率和晶粒长大速率,以及 温度 阻垢剂对碳酸钙结垢速率的影响。

  • According to it thermodynamic temperature scale can be realized .

    根据它可以用理想气体实现热力学 温标

  • It is of great significance in the thermodynamic temperature measurement the realization of the international temperature scale and the actual temperature measurement .

    它在热力学温度测量、国际 温标复现以及实际温度测量中,具有十分重要的意义。

  • Polypyrrole films have been electrochemically synthesized by direct oxidative polymerization of pyrrole in acetonitrile containing tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate as supporting electrolyte . We characterized the as-grown polypyrrole films by resonance Raman spectroscopy in the temperature scale of - 195 to 150 ℃ .

    在含有四氟化硼四丁基铵的乙氰溶液中电化学氧化吡咯制得聚吡咯膜,并在-195到150℃ 温度 范围 研究了该聚合物膜的变温拉曼光谱。

  • This method can also be applied for corrections due to the changing of temperature scale in other communities .

    此方法亦适用于其它行业由于 温标变换而引起的公式系数的修正问题。

  • The triple point of water ( TPW ) is not only the sole reference point for Kelvin Thermodynamic Temperature Scale ( KTTS ) but also a fundamental defining fixed point of International Temperature Scale of 1990 ( ITS-90 ) .

    水三相点是开尔文热力学 温度的唯一基准点,也是ITS90国际 温标重要的定义固定点。

  • Based on the two-stage magnifying and demarcating temperature scale new circuit for measuring precise temperature is designed .

    设计出了新的二级 放大 测温电路,对温度进行了精确标定。

  • Of a temperature scale that registers the freezing point of water as 0 degrees C and the boiling point as 100 degrees C under normal atmospheric pressure .

    指一种 温度计 法,就是将标准大气压力下水的冰点记为0度,沸点记为100度。

  • Reservoir gas temperature measurement in detonation driven shock tunnel by chemical temperature scale

    爆轰驱动激波风洞驻室温度测量的化学 温标方法

  • A new approach to entropy and thermodynamic temperature scale

    一种推出熵函数和热力学 温标的新方法

  • The Kelvin temperature scale has absolute zero as its zero point and its fundamental unit is the kelvin .

    克尔文 温标以绝对零度为其零点,它的基本单位是克尔文。

  • By employing a new type of high temperature resistant scale inhibitor also adding soda ash to reduce permanent hardness in the water system as well as utilizing rationally the condensate scaling in the water system lessens efficiently .

    通过使用新型耐 高温 阻垢剂,同时添加纯碱降低水系统中永久硬度的方法及冷凝液的合理利用,使水系统结垢问题得到有效缓解。

  • The use of NTC technology in the temperature compensation of scale factor for Microsyn

    NTC技术在微动同步器 度因数的 温度补偿中的应用

  • Research on model predictive control of reheat steam temperature for large scale coal-fired units

    大型燃煤机组再热汽 模型预测控制研究

  • In this case the scaling reduced the water flow increasing temperature and scale deposition until the water passage was totally blocked .

    在这情况,剥落减少了水流程,逐渐增加的 温度 刻度沈淀直到水通道完全地被阻塞。

  • In this thesis a two dimensional laminar pre-mixed flame model was employed to establish the relationship between flame temperature and wall temperature by scale analysis method .

    本文利用层流预混燃烧的火焰温度模型,采用量纲分析方法建立了火焰温度与壁 温度的关系。

  • An absolute temperature scale in Fahrenheit degrees .

    用华氏度数表示的绝对 温标

  • All right so now we have the makings of a good thermometer and a good temperature scale .

    这一常数只决定于 温度,于是我们现在,可以定义一个理想的温度计和 温标了。