temperature variation

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr ˌvɛriˈeʃən][ˈtempəritʃə ˌveərɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n]


  • Study of Energy-saving Control for Cooling-coil of HVAC Based on The Temperature Variation rate

    基于 温度 变化率的中央空调风机盘管节能控制研究

  • The interdecadal decline of mean temperature in China is mainly due to the maximal temperature variation while the rise mainly to the minimal temperature in and spring summer .

    中国平均温度的年代际变化在春季和夏季的降温主要受最高 温度 变化 影响、升温主要受最低温度影响;

  • Under the background of climate warming characteristics of maximum and minimum temperature variation may markedly affect yield and yield components of rice .

    在气候变暖背景下,最高和最低 气温 不同 变化特征会对水稻产量和产量构成产生明显影响。

  • Advances in the Research of Winter Air Temperature Variation of Three Provinces in Northeast China

    东北三省冬季 气温 变化的有关研究进展

  • Temperature Variation and Abrupt Change Analysis in Recent 50 Years in Liaoning Province

    辽宁省近50年 气温 变化 特征及突变分析

  • Circuit Fault Diagnosis Based on Infrared Temperature Variation Regularity

    基于红外 温度 变化规律诊断电路故障

  • Furthermore the developing process of the gas cavity and the temperature variation on the missile surface were discovered during the calculating process .

    此外,计算过程还揭示了发射筒口燃气泡发展、导弹表面 温度 变化等过程的基本规律。

  • Studies on the Temperature Variation Characteristics in Rongjiang Region from 1954 to 2006

    1954~2006年榕江地区 气温 变化特征研究

  • Experimental Study on the Tensile Force in the Geomembrane Due to Compaction Work and Temperature Variation

    填埋压缩和 温度 变化作用下土工膜张拉力的实验研究

  • Character on the Temperature Variation and Preliminary Study on Agriculture Effect in Shihezi Area

    石河子地区 气温 变化特征及对农业影响初探

  • The cover shall show no cave-in or deformation resulting in operating temperature variation or bad influence on other performances .

    不可把封盖顶部压塌或使其变形,以免动作 温度 或影响其他性能;

  • Characteristics and Causal Analysis of Ground Temperature Variation in Puyang

    濮阳市0cm 地温 变化特征及成因分析

  • Temperature Variation Simulation of Controlled Cooling Heavy Plate and Analysis of Its Microstructures and Mechanical Properties After Cooling

    厚板控冷过程中 温度 变化模拟及冷后组织与性能分析

  • Summer air temperature variation from 1951 to 2007 in northern China

    1951&2007年华北地区夏季 气温 变化 特征

  • The experimental results which give the relation curve between the sensor output signal and the temperature variation confirm that this method is effective .

    通过实验,给出了传感器输出信号与 温度 变化的关系曲线,实验结果表明了该测量方法的可行性。

  • A diurnal temperature variation of-4k is present at 50km because heating only occurs during the day .

    由于加热只发生在白天,因此50公里高度上的 温度变化约为4k。

  • Temperature variation condition during a portion of above-mentioned period was chose to analyze the response characteristics of the structure to the temperature .

    选取了部分时段内 温度 变化情况,分析了结构在温度作用下的响应特征。

  • In order to explore the temperature sensitivity of fiber bragg grating ( FBG ) in smart metal structure the stress and strain of FBG under temperature variation must be analyzed .

    为了探索光纤智能金属结构中光纤布喇格光栅(FBG)的温度灵敏度,必须对 温度 变化时光纤智能结构中FBG所受的应力应变进行分析。

  • Method for Forecasting Winter Daily City Gas Load Based on Air Temperature Variation

    基于 气温 变化的冬季城市燃气日负荷预测方法

  • The linearity sensitivity and stability against temperature variation of the sensor are improved by optimizing design to the sensitive element .

    通过对敏感元件的优化设计,改善了传感器的线性度、敏 、度稳定性 指标

  • Soil Temperature Variation in Plough Layer and Soil Freeze-Thaw Characteristics during Seasonal Freezing and Thawing Period

    季节性冻融期耕作层土壤 温度及土壤冻融特性的试验研究

  • Analysis on the Difference of Soil Temperature Variation before and after Precipitation in Gobi Region

    西北戈壁区夏季一次降水前后土壤 温度 变化 规律分析

  • The temperature variation may change the composition of load resulting in the change of load model parameters .

    气温 变化会引起电力负荷构成的变化,从而会导致负荷模型参数发生改变。

  • Soil temperature variation in the dual-purpose corn field under different plastic film mulching modes

    不同覆膜方式对粮饲兼用玉米田土壤 温度 影响

  • Effect of temperature variation on the nonlinear vibration of orthogonal cable net structure

    温度 变化对正交索网结构非线性振动的影响

  • Moreover the effect on the birefringence from different compression stresses and temperature variation were investigated the suitable stress and temperature circumstances was acquired .

    同时,通过研究径向压应力与 温度 变化对“一”字型保偏光纤应力双折射的影响,得到了光纤能稳定工作的压应力与温度环境。

  • On the basis of the non-equilibrium adsorption model the dynamic behavior of COP and SCP along with the time are calculated considering the temperature variation of heating fluid .

    基于分形几何学和煤层气的拟稳态非平衡吸附动力学模型,建立了考虑 储和表皮效应的 分形介质煤层气流动数学模型。