taste of

[test ʌv][teist ɔv]


  • I wanted the taste of you in my mouth .

    我要用我的嘴巴 试试它。

  • I had a taste of office work during the summer and that was quite enough .

    我在夏天 初尝了在办公室工作的 滋味,而那已经够我受的了。

  • I don 't like the taste of canned food .

    我不喜欢罐头食物的 味道

  • We have a taste of the white wine he 's brought .

    我们尝了 他带来的白葡萄酒。

  • The taste of blood in her throat made her want to vomit

    她嗓子里 血腥 让她直恶心。

  • The taste of vitamins is not too nice so the flavour sometimes needs to be disguised .

    维生素的 口味不太好,所以有时需要掩盖一下。

  • In the grape we will find the aroma and taste of dried fruit black currants and plum .

    我们可以在葡萄里找到花香,干果,黑醋栗和李子的 味道

  • They are itching to have a real taste of Chinese food .

    他们非常想尝尝真正的中国菜的 味道

  • The styles and colors are very much to the taste of our market .

    拖鞋的式样和颜色很 符合我们市场的需要。

  • Bob Marley provided them with their first taste of Reggae music .

    鲍勃·马利让他们首次接触 了雷盖音乐。

  • He gave us a taste of his skill .

    他让我们 领略了他的功夫。

  • This paper Introduce the rich nutrition and special taste of the Lactarius hatsudake .

    通过对红汁乳菇中富含的多种 鲜味物质和营养物质相做了相关介绍。

  • He will never forget the taste of being struggled against .

    他永远忘不了挨斗的 滋味

  • I hate the taste of the medicine but I took it anyway .

    我不喜欢这药的 味道,但我把它服了下去。

  • I like the taste of wine and enjoy trying different kinds

    我喜欢葡萄酒的 味道,喜欢品尝不同的口味

  • Give him a taste of the whip .

    让他 尝尝鞭子的 味道

  • This is just a taste of all the features in SourceMate .

    以上所介绍的仅仅是对SourceMate众多特性的一个 尝鲜而已。

  • The original intention was that from the taste of coffee I could understand this world more clear .

    初衷只是觉得在咖啡的 味道中来看这世界会纯明清澈了许多。

  • This voyage was his first taste of freedom .

    这次航行使他初次 体验 了自由的 滋味

  • The taste of the cakes was evocative of my childhood .

    这些蛋糕的 味道唤起了我对童年的回忆。

  • This article offers just a taste of UCM 's many capabilities and advantages .

    本文提供了仅仅是UCM的很多能力和优势的一点 体验

  • I love the taste of chocolate .

    我喜欢巧克力的 味道

  • Sugar coating hides the taste of pills .

    糖衣掩盖了药片的 药味

  • I like the taste of your coffee !

    我喜欢你的 味道,咖啡!

  • Voters turned out in force for their first taste of multi-party elections .

    大批选民前来参加他们的第一次 多党选举。

  • But having had a taste of the big time he won 't want to go back to playing in the reserves

    但是,有过 一举成名的经历以后,他就不会再想回去当替补了。

  • Beside you I can always smell the taste of sunshine .

    在你的身边,我总是能闻到阳光的 味道

  • I enjoy the taste of the food in this Italian restaurant .

    我喜欢这家意大利餐馆食物的 味道

  • I like the taste of this fish .

    这鱼我吃着 顺口

  • And the feel of the ocean and the taste of champagne .

    寻觅大海的 气息和香槟芬芳。