


  • He had a taut expression on his face as if he were very angry .

    他脸 紧绷绷的,像很生气的样子。

  • So stand up straight and keep your back and stomach muscles taut .

    因为你腰部周围的肌肉群同时也支撑你的的 脊柱,因此站直了, 就能保持你的背部和腹部肌肉 紧凑

  • Across what instrument are we stretched taut ?


  • Tension device for spiral taut make it easy to adjust the chain .

    拉紧装置为螺旋 拉紧,使链条调整简单灵活。

  • Ben sat up quickly his face taut and terrified

    本一骨碌坐了起来,表情 紧张而惊恐。

  • For each colour a separate stencil is applied to a taut screen of fine fabric mesh .

    为每一种颜色都是一个单独的模板应用到屏幕上的织物 细网格。

  • That summer she had shed the weight gained during pregnancy her body was trim and taut .

    那年夏天,她减去了怀孕期间增加的体重,身材又 变得 修长 健美

  • She began to hear her own taut shallow breathing .

    她开始听见自己 急促、微弱的呼吸。

  • Little by little she lost the taut strained air of perpetual anxiety .

    长期焦虑带来的 紧张而疲惫的神色从她 上慢慢消失了。

  • Even astronauts in space like to keep their skin taut with citrus fruits .

    甚至在太空中的飞行员也喜欢用柑橘类水果来保持他们肌肤的 饱满 紧绷

  • The clothes line is pulled taut and secured .

    晾衣绳被 拉紧牢。

  • He waved his arm at the taut wire of the horizon .

    他挥臂指向 笔直的地平线。

  • He bandaged his hands moving very fast and the bandage coming taut and sure .

    他开始包扎,他的手很快,绷带扎得 又稳。

  • Pull the line taut to prevent it from knotting up .

    把线 拉紧,以免打结。

  • I gave one desperate pull at the taut tow-rope to bring the boat alongside .

    我拼命拉住那根 绷紧的缆绳,想把小艇拉过来。

  • Contoured design helps keep the skin taut .

    轮廓设计有助于保持皮肤 绷紧

  • A musical instrument in which taut strings provide the source of sound .


  • When muscles are taut or cold there is more chance of injury or strain

    肌肉 绷紧或受凉时更容易损伤。

  • His nerves were strung taut .

    他的神经 绷得

  • The mirages had died away and gloomily he ran his eyes along the taut blue line of the horizon .

    各种蜃景都已消失了,他郁闷地用眼睛扫着笔直的、蓝蓝的 海平线

  • After the white-gray sails taut to their spars and ropes .

    灰绳 拉紧白帆袖桅杆向天愁。

  • Light pull right foot toward their hips thighs make a taut feeling .

    轻拉起右脚靠向臀部,使得大腿 拉紧的感觉。

  • Redford was further compelled by the taut storytelling and artistic challenges .

    雷德福还进一步受到了 紧张的故事情节和艺术性挑战的驱使。

  • The bowstring is stretched taut .

    弓弦 绷得

  • Suddenly the cord became taut and he couldn 't afford to break the cord .

    那电线突然 了,他不能冒险拉断电线。

  • Haul the ropes taut : there 's a strong wind coming !


  • The tent itself is created from a steel structure with a taut elastic waterproof material with translucent properties .

    帐篷的材料是 绷紧的、 弹性的半透明防水材料,结构材料是钢。

  • A handsaw with a taut thin blade ; used for cutting small curves in wood .
