temporary position

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri pəˈzɪʃən][ˈtempərəri pəˈziʃən]

[计] 暂时位置

  • Drafting gives you a temporary and short-lived opportunity to gain position but timing is important . Sometimes drafting may be the only safe way past your rival .

    尾流给了你一个 短暂的机会去 超车,时机非常重要。有时候尾流是超车的唯一安全的方式。

  • Are you looking for a permanent ( temporary ) position ?

    你要找个永久 的( 时的) 职业吗?

  • Liverpool FC confirms that following the successful sale of the Club Christian Purslow has decided to stand down from his temporary position as Managing Director .

    利物浦俱乐部确认在成功完成俱乐部的出售后,克里斯蒂安帕斯洛决定辞去他利物浦 临时主管的 职务

  • Not a real job a temporary position at no pay as an intern .

    不是真正的工作而是 临时 职位,没有薪水,与实习生一样。

  • First of all the next temporary target 's position is predicted by heuristic function .

    首先根据启发代价函数预测下一个 临时目标点的 位置

  • The replacement employee will be advised of the temporary nature of the position and the period of employment .

    替代员工将会被告知该 职位 暂时性以及雇佣期。

  • Among those who emailed their stories two main threads emerged : using temporary work as a steppingstone to a permanent position and treating a step down as a chance to learn a new career .

    我们通过分析发现,所有故事都离不开两条主线:利用 临时工作为踏板,最终获得一份稳定的 工作,通过降格以求获得学习的机会,掌握全新的职业技能。

  • The rules governing selection and temporary transfer for the position of Judge Assistant shall be determined by Judicial Yuan .

    法官助理之 事项及 借调办法,由司法院定之。

  • Temporary locking of the joint and difficulty of mouth opening may occur with the disc in this position .

    盘移到这个 位置可能会有 短暂的绞锁和张口困难。

  • Two years ago he decided to take a temporary summer position in Shanghai with China Prep an educational travel company .

    两年前,他 便决定到上海的一家教育旅游公司China Prep打暑期 零工