

[地名] [匈牙利] 陶什

  • TASS is formed by the speech collecting module the speech features extracting module the electrode driving module and the electric tactical array module .


  • ITTA TASS : My question is about the current state of affairs in China-Russia relations . Will the new prime minister in Russia bring any change to China-Russian Relations ?

    俄塔 记者:请问现在中俄关系如何?俄罗斯有了新的总理,中俄关系会不会有所改变?

  • Numerical analysis shows that the proposed TASS can reduce the energy consumption of the wireless transceiver .

    数值分析表明,本文所提出的 TASS可以降低节点的无线收发器的能耗。

  • Also the Russian Correspondence Agency - Tass reported that the Inter-department Committee of the Russian Space Orbital Station Operations will also convene a meeting today to research countermeasures .

    另据俄通社& 塔斯社报道,俄航天轨道站运行跨部门委员会今天也召开会议研究对策。

  • Dwelling in time-honoured fashion on propaganda rather than facts Tass then issued a second article alleging the US had experienced 2 nuclear accidents and breakdowns in 1979 alone .

    本着由来已久的、 关心 宣传,而不 关注事实的 作风塔斯社 紧接 又发表了第二篇文章,称单单1979年这一年,美国就经历过2300次核事故和故障。

  • Results indicated all water samples were ecologically harmless since TASs of ecology were less than 1 . 0 and there was still potential risk to human health due to TASs of health over 1 . 0 in all water samples .

    评价结果各水样健康危险 >1,表明各水样对人健康均存在潜在危害,而生态风险度均<1。

  • Finally on the support of the efficient and trust collaborative work of TASs in Bot_CODS a collaborative botnet detection method against DDoS attack is proposed which especially focuses on the subtle DDoS attacks launched by botnet .

    最后,在确保Bot CODS中TAS高效、可信协同工作的支持下,针对僵尸网络发起的隐秘DDoS攻击,提出了一种面向DDoS的僵尸网络协同检测方法。

  • On Wednesday a Russian official said that a Siberian tiger that Mr. Putin had personally released into the wild in the Russian Far East had crossed into China the Russian news agency Tass reported .

    周三,据俄罗斯通讯社塔斯社 Tass 报道,一名俄罗斯官员说,曾被普京亲自释放到俄罗斯远东地区的野生西伯利亚虎越境进入了中国。