


  • A king of Thessaly whom Zeus punished for his temerity in seeking hera 's love by having him bound to a perpetually revolving wheel in hades .

    伊克西翁拉庇泰王,他因 莽撞 追求天后赫拉的爱,而被宙斯缚在地狱永不停转的车轮上受罚。

  • She wondered how she 'd had the temerity to stand up to him that morning .

    她不知道那天早上自己怎么竟会 冒冒失失 顶撞他。

  • He has even had the temerity to invoke the names of Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X in defence of his actions .

    他竟然 搬出马丁·路德·金和 马尔科姆·艾克斯的名字来为自己的行为辩解。

  • I have no doubt that your father will settle his hash for him if he has the temerity to follow you home !

    你父亲不会让他 找麻烦的,这点我不怀疑,即使他 鲁莽 跟着你回家!

  • Instead Congress is currently waving the financial big stick in the wrong direction at the Palestinians – for having the temerity to pursue their UN bid in September .

    现实情况 恰恰相反&美国国会目前的财政大棒挥错了方向,指向了 冒失 谋求联合国在9月份 承认其建国的巴勒斯坦人。

  • Once if a student or faculty member had the temerity to bring a grievance to court is was likely to be bounced out in short order .

    往昔,“如果学生或教工 鲁莽 行事,起诉到法庭,案件可能很快就会驳回。”

  • None of us have the temerity to visit the President and tell him what to do not even me in the role of captain .

    没有人 直接 去找主席告诉他该做什么,即使我是队长我也不会这么做。

  • He had the temerity to suggest that a few changes might be needed .

    他竟 冒失 失地提出可能需要 一些修改。

  • No one would ever have the temerity to think of Gerald O'Hara as a ridiculous little figure .

    谁也没有 胆量把杰拉尔德当作可笑的矮个儿 看待

  • Last June McCain adviser Charlie black was reprimanded for having the temerity to point out that the intrusion of a terrorist event into the campaign would certainly be a big advantage for Mr McCain .

    去年6月,麦凯恩的顾问查理布莱克(charlie black冒失 指出如果在大选期间发生恐怖分子袭击事件,对麦凯恩来说“必将非常有利”, 因此遭受训斥。

  • And who in China would have the temerity to arrange such an encounter ?

    中国又有谁能够 如此 胆大妄为 安排这种会见呢?

  • He had the temerity of asking for higher wages after only three days'work .

    仅仅工作了三天,他就 冒失 要更高的工资。

  • Conducting the premiere of a symphony without a rehearsal requires temerity .

    不排练而 直接指挥一部交响乐的首次公演是 鲁莽的。

  • A few of the ladies had the temerity to call but were not received and th4 only sign of life about the place was the Negro man-a young man then & going in and out with a market basket .

    有少数几位妇女竟 冒冒失失 去访问过她,但都吃了闭门羹。她居处周围唯一的生命迹象就是那个黑人男子拎着一个篮子出出进进,当年他还是个青年。

  • Then she had the temerity to ask me to pay for it .

    她很 冒失 让我付钱。

  • Tins took some temerity but it was fruitless .

    有点 莽撞,但结果还是无用。

  • Instead the French president 's language betrays temerity .

    相反,这位法国总统的言语表露出 他的 鲁莽

  • What temerity ! The theater is a temple of art .

    多么 野蛮!剧院是艺术的圣殿。

  • They marveled at his temerity .

    她们对他的 轻率 鲁莽感到惊异。

  • He had the temerity to suggest I resign .


  • He had the temerity to tell me that smoking was bad for me when I know that he smokes himself .
