written approval

[ˈrɪtn əˈpruvəl][ˈrɪtn əˈpru:vəl]


  • Using edge of coil material as part entity will require written approval from the Tool Engineer .

    为了节约料,产品边可使用材料边,如使用卷料边,需要模具工程师的 书面 批准

  • The duplicating of this report is prohibited without the written approval of DGM china .

    未经本公司 书面 批准,不得复制本报告书。

  • They must not be reproduced in whatever form without the written approval of the company and shall be returned to the company upon completion of the contract .

    未经公司 书面 批准,不得以任何形式复制,合同结束后应归还公司。

  • Such activity will not be allowed without the prior written approval of the Corporate Legal Department and if appropriate the Board or a committee thereof .

    这些行为在没有得到公司法务部门,若适用,董事会或董事会下设委员会的 书面 批准前是不被许可的。

  • Publisher shall obtain Owner 's written approval of the final cover prior to publication of the Translation .

    出版商应在译作出版前获取所有者对最终封面的 书面 批准

  • Night work shall only be carried out with the prior written approval of the employer 's representative .

    夜间作业应经业主代表事先 书面 同意 后方可进行。

  • To to submit the bonds of a client as pledged coupons Party B shall first get written approval from the client .

    乙方将客户债券提交为质押券的,应当事先取得客户 书面 同意

  • Do not change any configuration or settings on a guest 's computer unless you have their written approval on a liability waiver form .

    除非 下了 书面的权利保证书,否则不要改变客人电脑的配置或设置。

  • You will not make any settlement that may adversely affect our rights or obligations without our prior written approval .

    未得我们 书面 批准,阁下不得作出任何可能对我们的权利或责任构成不利影响的和解。

  • The Contractor shall obtain prior written approval from the company before the contractor or its subcontractor makes any public release announcement regarding the contract or the contractor 's activities related to its participation in the contract .

    承包商或其分包商就本合同或与承包商参与本合同相关的承包商活动进行公共发布和通知前,承包商应事先获得业主的 书面 同意

  • The parties shall not disclose this agreement or its contents to a third party without the prior written approval of the other party .

    任何一方未经他方 书面 同意,不得将本协议或本协议内容泄露给第三人。

  • Any purported assignment without the written approval of the company shall be absolutely void against the company .

    未经业主 书面 同意的任何声称的转让对业主都是绝对无效的。

  • Such warranties shall not apply to items that have been modified or altered without Seller 's written approval or have been subjected to abuse accident negligence or improper application .

    该等保证不应适用于未经卖方 书面 同意而修改、改动或者被滥用、发生事故、过失或不当使用的物品。

  • No change in the inclusive fee shall be made without the written approval of the director .

    凡未经署长以 书面 批准,不得更改费用总额。

  • Without the written approval of Party A Party B must abide by the arrangement of Party A.

    但未经甲方 书面 批准,乙方必须服从甲方对其工种、位的安排。

  • Nitrogen shall not be used for back purging of stainless steels unless prior written approval is obtained from SECCO .

    事先未经赛科公司 书面 许可,气体氮不得用于不锈钢焊接的反吹气体。

  • A copy of written approval from the management authority of the venue .

    活动举办地点的管理机构所发出的 许可 证明书副本一份。

  • No settlement which may adversely affect our rights or obligations shall be made without our prior written approval .

    若无本局事先的 书面 同意,不得作出任何对本局权利或者义务有不利影响的和解。

  • At all times discount rates are subjects to availability of rooms and written approval from the General Manager .

    折扣价格应以客房出租率和总经理的 书面 授权为依据。

  • No works can be commenced without the written approval from Hospital .

    所有工程必须得到医院 书面 许可 才可进行。

  • If so you will need to get their written approval to use an alternate format .

    如果是这样,你只有征得他们的 书面 同意,才能采用其它格式。

  • The Contractor shall not assign the whole or any part of the contract nor any benefit or interest under it without the prior written approval of the company .

    未经业主事先 书面 同意,承包商不得转让本合同的全部或任何部分、或本合同下的任何利益。

  • No other software program can be installed operated or configured on the System Control Computer hardware without prior written approval by Seller .

    事先未经卖方以 书面 形式 同意,不得在系统控制用计算机硬件上安装、操作或配置任何其他程序。

  • The Supplier may not pawn the goods subject to retention of title or use them as collateral without prior written approval from HG .

    供应商可能不典当货物除保留所有权或作为抵押品不从汞的事先 书面 批准的情况下使用它们。

  • AVIVA obligee without prior written approval you may not copy quote this web site of any content may not provide to any third party any content of this website .

    未经薇拉摄影权利人事先 书面 许可,您不得复制、引用本网站的任何内容,不得向任何第三方提供本网站的任何内容。

  • Licensee agrees not to offer for sale or advertise or publicize any of the Contract Products licensed hereunder on radio or television without the prior written approval of Licensor .

    接受方同意,在没有得到许可方的事先 书面 批准的情况下,不在电台或电视台作使用本合同商标的合同产品的宣传或广告。

  • This certificate shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of our laboratory .

    未经本中心 书面 批准,不得部分复制此证书。