writing hand

[ˈraɪtɪŋ hænd][ˈraitiŋ hænd]

[医] 握笔状手(见于震颤麻痹)

  • I 've never once seen good code produced by something other than a good programmer writing the code by hand .

    我一向都认为再棒的工具所生成的代码也不如优秀的程序员 手写出的代码质量好。

  • On one hand they have not developed an awareness of the features in formal writing ; on the other hand they have not laid a solid foundation for writing in English .

    他们没有具有足够的意识,对正式 文体的特征把握不牢,用英语写作 缺乏牢固基础。

  • He added : ' For instance the fact he was writing with his left hand from left to right * and he was also a vegetarian which was not common .

    他补充道:举个例子,他是个 左撇子并从左往右 书写而且他还是个素食主义者,这在当时并不常见。

  • At an English class recently students worked at perfecting a skill that is under threat from the onset of email ja the art of writing a letter by hand .

    最近有一个英语班级,能 好字的同学在电子邮件攻击下坚持提高自己 书法学习。

  • Try writing with your less dominant hand . Mix things up a little .

    试着用另外 写字。将一点不同的东西掺杂在一起。

  • Writing by hand can be physically painful for people who have it .

    书写困难的人用 手写 时可能会感到生理上的疼痛。

  • As a result developers will sometimes miss the fact that something they 're writing by hand already exists inside the platform ( if only they 'd stop to discover it !) .

    结果,开发人员常常发现自己正在 编写的内容其实已经存在于平台内(只要他们浏览一下就会发现这一点)。

  • Writing letters and notes incorporated hand writing skills organizational skills and learning about the person or persons you correspond with .

    手写书信的能力写信和记笔记构成 手写的写作能力、组织能力以及学习人与人之间的通信沟通交流能力。

  • But writing things out by hand may be a critical way we train our brains several studies suggest .

    但一些研究发现,用 书写可能是我们用来训练大脑的重要方法。

  • Winter haven 't finished writing a book the hand is frozen in almost no sense .

    冬天,还没有 写完一篇读书心得, 冻得几乎没有了感觉。

  • If unable to type using Chinese Font write on the Chinese Composition writing paper and hand in when school resumes .

    若无法用电脑打中文字,可写在 作文纸上,到校后再 老师。

  • Any notice and communication required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered either by hand personally or by Registered Post .

    依据本协议书发出的通告或往来通讯,均须以 书面 亲自送达或以挂号信方式送交本公司。

  • Its not just children who benefit from writing things out by hand says a study in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience .

    而《认知神经科学杂志》一项研究表示,不仅仅是孩子们 受益手写

  • She tried writing with her left hand .

    她试着用 左手

  • Miss Ma said that while her given name was unusual bank employees passport control clerks and ticket agents had always managed to deal with it usually by writing it by hand .

    马女士承认,虽然拥有异乎寻常的名字,但银行职员、护照办事员和机票代理商总能找到办法对付过去,通常是用 手写出她的名字。

  • So writing by hand becomes more and more difficult .

    所以用 手写就变得越来越困难了。

  • All this said david the design for all these things has been made dear to me in writing by the hand of the lord .

    大卫说,这一切工作的样式都是耶和华用 出来使我明白的。

  • Good writing on the other hand draws in a reader and it gives you a shot at selling someone on your content .

    好的 作文除了能吸引读者注意力,对于推销你的观点也是一个绝好的契机。

  • It shall be lawful for the governor to indicate that he wishes the advice of the Commission upon any matter which he is by the Ordinance authorized to refer by writing under the hand of the Secretary for the civil service requesting such advice .

    总督可藉 书面表示他冀望委员会就本条例授权他转介予委员会的任何事项提供意见,而该项 书面请求须由公务员事务司 亲自签署。

  • However all of them had the same problem : they required more time to use than writing the same material by hand .

    然而,所有这些机器都存在着相同问题: 书写相同的内容,使用打字机比用 手写还要费时。

  • Teachers assign the title of the writing students write and hand in the compositions and teachers correct them .

    作文题目布置下去,学生写作文, 作文,教师改作文,写评语。

  • His works includes three collections of poetry Double Exposure of a Writing Hand Pilgrim and Selected Poems of Gu Gang .

    著有诗集《 正在 写作的一 的正反面曝光》、朝圣者》、古冈短诗选》。

  • Instead of writing her shorthand by hand she could use a keyboard machine .

    她可以不用 而使用一种带键盘的机器进行 速记

  • The results show that LWP-supported writing is much better than traditional dictation and writing with hand for the students with writing disabilities while the effectiveness of voice recognition using for the students with learning disabilities is uncertain due to the limitation of technology .

    结果表明:用 LWP技术支持写作困难学生口述作文,明显优于传统的口述和 方式;而用语音识别技术来辅助学习困难学生口述作文,由于受技术的限制,其有效性并不十分确定。

  • After finishing their first writing draft they directly hand in their writing to the teacher for correction .

    完成第一 稿之后,他们将写完的第一稿直接 给老师评阅。

  • Eg. Mary disguised her handwriting by writing with her left hand .

    玛丽用 左手 写字以伪装自己的笔迹。

  • Recording of information is accomplish by hand writing and hand painting mainly when paper notebook was used .

    在使用传统纸质笔记本的时候,我们记录信息主要依靠手写 文字手绘图片。

  • This is largely due to being coerced into writing with my right hand when I started school .

    这主要是由于被强迫与我的 写作 右手时,我开始上学。

  • I shall have to go back to writing letters by hand .

    这会儿我只有再用 手写信了。