


  • The entropy of telecommand messages would be obviously increased and the security of transmission enhanced .

    采用该方法可以显著增加 遥控消息的熵,增强其传输过程的安全性。

  • The overall constitution of this distribution network automation system the hardware configuration of telecontrol equipment the principles of telemetering telesignalling and telecommand are introduced . The functions of PLC core and the communication protocol are emphasized .

    介绍了该配电自动化系统的总体构成,远动装置的硬件配置及遥测、遥信、 遥控原理,着重说明PLC芯片的功能及其与 微机的通信规约。

  • Design of a AGC in Digital Telecommand Sub-Carrier Demodulation


  • Design of A Simple Telecommand System

    一种简易的 遥控 应用系统的设计

  • Research on Repeat-Accumulate Code over UAV ′ s Telecommand and Telemetry Channel

    RA码在无人机 遥控遥测信道中的应用

  • Spread spectrum ranging system has advantages of anti-jamming and high precision At present it is mainly used in satellite telemetry and telecommand system . Satellite ranging plays a very important role in satellite tracking orbit measurement the initial capture of the satellite positioning .

    扩频测距系统具有抗干扰,测距精度高等优点,当前主要应用于卫星 测控系统中,是卫星 测控系统 完成地面对卫星的跟踪和轨道测量、卫星定位的初始捕获的一个重要的组成部分。

  • Telecommand operation platform is empoldered for implementing telecommand operation mode by the space control center .

    为了实现对航天器的透明控制,航天器控制中心开发设计了 遥控操作平台。

  • A telecommand and telemetry simulator of micro-satellite air floating platform is introduced which hardware is industry control computer and wireless network card .

    介绍一种 使用工业计算机和无线网卡研制的小卫星气浮台测控终端模拟器。

  • Most of functions need software to achieve including on board data handling telemetry telecommand attitude control power control orbit communication etc. The thesis introduces the main function and fault-tolerant design of the software .

    卫星的星务管理、遥测、 遥控、姿态控制、电源管理、通信控制、轨道控制等都需要通过计算机软件完成,介绍了这些软件的主要功能和容错设计。

  • Research and Application of Telecommand Security Constraint for Integrated Telecontrol Center

    集控中心 遥控安全约束的研究和应用

  • Some Topics of Space Telecommand Technique Development in China

    我国空间 遥控技术发展的若干课题

  • The main functions of this system are as follows : telemetry telecommand and telecontrol the equipment automatically switch on and off the equipment automatically create report forms giving an alarm when there 's something wrong with the equipment automatically .

    本系统实现的主要功能有:对设备进行遥测、 、遥控,自动开、关机,自动生成报表,有故障自动报警等。

  • The united-carrier telemeter and telecommand system of satellite uses carrier and sub-carrier to complete all the function .

    近几年 使用的卫星统一载波 测控体制用载波和副载波来统一完成各种 测控功能,其中副载波信号技术参数的测量是确保卫星 测控系统正常运行的重要一环。

  • Moreover SASF supports the Packet Utilization Standard ( PUS ) of ESA and provides a core component which can analyze generate and execute the telemetry and telecommand packet of PUS .

    此外,SASF框架对欧空局提出的PUS(PacketUtilizationStandard)标准进行支持,提供了对 PUS 遥控遥测数据包具有解析、生成和执行功能的构件。

  • Application of Message Extension to Spacecraft Telecommand Data Protection

    消息扩展在航天器 遥控数据保护中的应用

  • The transponder at the underwater 4000 m need receive the interrogating signal and telecommand transmitted by the surveying boat and carry out the relevant transponder underwater acoustic communication pressure telemetry and diagnostic function .

    该水声应答器要求在4000米 接收测量船发来的询问信号和 遥控 指令,相应的执行应答、水声通信、 深度测量和自检等功能。

  • As a result a new generation of telecommand channel FPGA with more strong fault tolerant ability has been developed which can implement fault tolerance itself and weaken the influence from defect cluster .

    针对FPGA缺陷成团性,进行 遥控 指令通道FPGA 布局 优化,最终设计出能够自主容错,容错能力更强,可以应对缺陷成团性影响的新一代 遥控 指令通道FPGA。

  • To make sure that the antenna points to the right direction is the basis of effective work of telemetry and telecommand system of a helicopter .

    保证天线 跟踪系统的正确 跟踪指向是 无人驾驶直升机遥测 遥控系统可靠工作的 关键 技术问题。

  • CCSDS Telemetry / telecommand Space Data Systems Protocols and Their Applications

    CCSDS遥测 遥控空间数据系统通信协议及其应用

  • Discussion on Approximate Formulas of Error Command Probalility for Telecommand System


  • In this thesis a brief review and analysis of the development of spacecraft telecommand system has been given and Packet Utilization Standard ( PUS ) suggested by ESA has been studied .

    对航天器 遥控体制的发展作了简要回顾和分析,重点研究了欧洲航天局 定义的包应用标准。

  • A Research on the Testing System of Sub-carrier in Telemeter and Telecommand System

    卫星 测控副载波 信号 综合测试系统 关键 技术研究

  • Research on Application of AEAD Techniques for CCSDS Telecommand Protocol

    认证加密算法在CCSDS 遥控协议中的应用研究

  • Design of Telemeter and Telecommand Base Station of Pilotless Helicopter with Object-Oriented Method

    用面向对象方法设计无人直升机 信息 处理系统

  • Based on the requirements of information security for spacecraft telecommand and data protection mechanism adopted the weakness of short length spacecraft telecommand messages in secure transmission was analyzed . To overcome the weakness a message extension method based on physical chaos source and its application were presented .

    针对航天器 遥控信息安全需求和 相应的数据保护机制,分析了遥控短消息在安全传输中的弱点,提出了一种用于改善该弱点的基于物理噪声源的消息扩展方法,以及其应用实例;

  • On the basis of the present condition of the integrated telecontrol center in the paper we researched the project of the telecommand security constraints system and analyzed these aspects such as the control logic constraint mechanism and workflow control etc.

    根据集控系统的现状,从逻辑构成、约束机制、流程控制等方面进行详细的分析,研究应用于控制中心的 遥控安全约束系统。

  • This paper introduces the content of CCSDS SLE service and then puts forward a tentative plan that uses international TT & C system based on CCSDS SLE information transfer standard . Finally the paper presents a scheme design using SLE forward telecommand service .

    介绍了CCSDSSLE业务的具体内容,提出了在我国航天测控系统中采用CCSDS标准的SLE传输协议实现国际联网的设想,并给出了前向 遥控SLE业务的配置方案。

  • The rules to be obeyed in program realization are summed up in insuring the reliability of telecommand and teleadjusting .

    总结了为保证 遥控和遥调的可靠性在程序实现中应遵守的规则;

  • The test result shows that the communication effect between the micro-satellite air floating platform and the telecommand and telemetry simulator is satisfied .

    试验结果表明,小卫星气浮台与 地面测控站之间通信过程模拟效果令人满意。