technological factors

[经] 技术(工艺)因素

  • The numerical method was employed to study the effect of technological factors on the inclusion removal in RH degasser .

    采用数值模拟方法分析了不同 工艺 因素对RH精炼中夹杂物去除过程的影响。

  • Cases in which technological factors take the place of labor and capital factors are analyzed .

    研究了劳动、资本和 技术要素生产函数中, 技术增长对劳动和资本的要素替代关系;

  • And on this basis rise the view that the factors impact the evolution of our retail industry are : economic institutional factors economic development factors demand factors consumer purchasing power factor commercial competition and Science and technological factors .

    并在此基础上,提出了影响我国零售业演变的六大因素是:经济体制因素、经济发展因素、市场需求因素、消费者购买力因素、商业竞争因素和科学 技术 因素

  • Significant risks and uncertainties may relate to but are not limited to financial economic competitive environmental political legal regulatory and technological factors .

    重大的风险和不确定性可能涉及但不仅限于财政、经济、竞争、环境、政治、法律法规和 技术 因素

  • Effect of Different Technological Factors on Inclusion Removal in RH Degasser

    不同 工艺 因素对RH精炼夹杂物去除过程的影响

  • Therefore under the conditions of resources and the environment constraints how to ease the constraints of technological factors in mineral resources-oriented enterprises with the development of circular economy is a major problem we have to face .

    因此,在现有的资源和环境约束条件下如何缓解 技术创新能力 不足对矿产资源型企业循环经济发展的制约,是我们必须面临的一个重大问题。

  • Design and technological factors for controlling hull deformation

    控制船体变形的设计和 工艺 因素

  • And from political factors economic factors technological factors and three aspects of local governance capacity analysis of the reasons for shortcomings .

    并从政治因素、经济因素、 技术 因素三方面分析了地方政府治理能力存在不足的原因。

  • This paper firstly introduced the basic structure of the electric vehicles and the constitute elements of the electric vehicles and analyzed the technological factors which affected the shape of the body .

    本文首先对电动汽车的基本结构及构成元素进行了简单介绍,并对 技术 因素对车身造型的影响进行了分析。

  • In the best cases it is encouraging political scientists to team up in an interdisciplinary way with statisticians economists psychologists and even software engineers to understand the complex interplay between human and technological factors that can influence an election .

    最佳的一面是它鼓励了政治科学家们跨学科与统计学家,经济学家,心理学家,以至软件工程师联手一起,搞懂人与 技术 因素之间影响到一场选举结果的错综复杂的关系。

  • The optimal wearable black phosphating process has been determinated by systematic experiments on various technological factors .

    通过对黑色磷化各种 工艺 因素的研究,确定了铸钢件锰系中温黑色耐磨磷化工艺的最佳方案。

  • The mechanism of electrospinning process and the primary technological factors affecting the formation of electrospun fiber were described briefly .

    简述了静电纺丝的制备原理和影响静电纺丝纤维成形的主要 工艺 因素

  • This article from the economic factors technological factors population factors institutional factors four aspects were discussed .

    文章从经济因素、 技术 因素、人口因素、制度因素四个方面进行论述。

  • The main technological factors of chromium yeast production were studied .

    对富铬酵母生产的主要 工艺 条件进行了研究。

  • The factors effecting development of Low-Carbon economy of Jiangsu include technological factors and other factors and the technological factors are the essential .

    影响江苏省低碳经济发展的因素可以分为 技术 因素和非技术因素,其中技术因素是主要影响因素,要促进江苏省低碳经济的继续发展,就要加快低碳技术的研发和应用。

  • Affect membrane layer properties of technological factors are analyzed and studied in the coating process .

    对在镀膜过程中影响膜层性能的 工艺 因素进行了分析、研究。

  • From the people architecture and natural light as the basic starting point focusing on the design of the application of natural light techniques including the culture geography and technological factors .

    从人、建筑和自然光为基本出发点,着重讨论设计中自然光设计手法的应用,包含了人文历史和 技术 因素

  • On the basis of the basic principle of iron chip inner-electrolysis the effects of technological factors on treatment results were studied and the best reaction conditions were found .

    在研究铁屑内电解法基本原理的基础上,研究各 工艺 因素对处理效果的影响,并找出最佳反应条件。

  • This paper discusses balling-up mechanism of ball lapping ; introduces the state of precision ball lapping technique ; analyzes some technological factors of affecting ceramic ball lapping quality and efficiency .

    本文探讨了球体研磨的成球机理,介绍了国内外精密球体研磨技术的现状,分析了影响陶瓷球研磨质量和效率的 工艺 因素

  • The microhardness of the coating is high up to 728 HV . The analysis of the effect of technological factors on the coating quality and valuable technology parameters are also given in this paper .

    还分析了 工艺 因素对镀层质量的影响,给出了有参考价值的工艺参数。

  • Several Technological Factors Influencing Methanol and Fusel Oil Formation in Pomegranate Wine Fermentation

    影响石榴酒发酵过程中甲醇和杂醇油生成量的几个 工艺 因素

  • Objective To study the effect of technological factors on the result of renogram and to discuss the resolving .

    目的探讨 技术 因素对放射性肾图检查结果的影响与解决措施。

  • This article discusses scientific and technological factors in technical products and its value assessment . proposes the basic viewpoint of quantification on scientific and technological value and establish the index system for technical value assessment .

    对技术产品中 科技 因素及其价值评估进行了讨论,提出了科技值量化的基本观点,并建立了技术价值评估指标体系。

  • This paper analyses various geological economical and mining technological factors that influence the determination of the underground mine scale .

    在对影响矿井生产规模确定的各项 技术、经济 影响 因素分析的基础上,对矿井生产规模进行了初步确定;

  • The effects of primary compounds on the property of the potting compound were studied and the optimum technological factors were determined .

    讨论了其主要组分对灌封料性能的影响,并确定了最佳 工艺 条件

  • This paper examines these technological factors on particle size and encapsulation efficiency of microspheres and other properties ; the effect of nano-hydroxyapatite properties of microspheres ; the mechanism of microsphere degradation and release ; microspheres on the role of tumor suppressor .

    本文研究了这些 工艺 因素对微球粒径和包封率等性能的影响;纳米羟基磷灰石对微球性能的影响;微球的降解和释药机理;载药微球对肿瘤抑制的作用。

  • The technological factors engineering and safety problems for producing dicyclopentadiene diepoxide were investigated .

    对二氧化双环戊 二烯合成的 条件、工程及安全问题进行了研究。

  • It has a certain guidance to the practical production that analyzing the influences of technological factors in RH process on the total oxygen content in molten steel by this model .

    利用本模型分析讨论了RH操作过程的 工艺 因素对钢水总氧含量的影响,对生产具有一定的指导意义。

  • The results showed that the main socio-economic driving forces are population factors economic factors technological factors and regional socio-economic development degree .

    研究结果表明:研究区土地利用变化的主要社会经济驱动力为:人口因素、经济因素、 技术 因素和区域社会经济发展程度等。