


  • Nowadays we are facing a high technicalization age .

    当今,我们正面临着一个高度 技术 的时代。

  • Most of people focus on the education informationization however the education informationization is belongs to the part of education technicalization .

    当前人们的注意力和精力主要集中在教育信息化上,很少人 意识到教育信息化是属于教育 技术 的一部分。

  • In the layer of memory we 'll discuss the technicalization handling that writer mainly aim at two memory forms & the individual memory and collective memory analyse further the Correlation between this kind of technicalization handling and writer 's aesthetic value orientation hides in behind ;

    在记忆层面,我们将主要探讨作家针对两种记忆形式&个体记忆与集体记忆所做的 技术 处理,深入分析这种技术处理与隐藏在背后的作家审美价值取向之间所存在的映射关系;

  • Based on that this paper puts forward the strategic scheme of technicalization of traditional industrial enterprises in Heilongjiang Province and makes systematic design and optimization of the process of technicalization of traditional industrial enterprises .

    在此基础上,提出了黑龙江省老工业企业 高新 技术 的战略方案,对老工业企业高新技术化的过程进行了系统设计与优化。

  • Based on the broad definition of technology this article have briefly analyzed such theoretical questions as the technological property of people human technicalization technological enslavement rationalism of technology predicament of technology and the human liberation .

    本文在广义技术界定的基础上,简要分析了人的技术性、人的 技术 、技术的奴役性、技术理性主义、技术困境与人类解放等技术哲学理论问题。

  • The socialization of the scientific and technological activities course the scientist to the scientific and technological activities utility pursuit the technicalization process of the society are basic conditions of emerging in scientific and technological risk .

    科技活动过程的社会化,科学家对科技活动的功利性追求,社会的 科技 进程,是科技风险产生的基础条件。

  • The second part analyzes some common phenomenon of education technicalization and points out that the essence of education informationization is education information technicalization and as part of education technicalization .

    第二部分介绍分析了一些常见的教育 技术 的现象,并指出教育信息化实质就是教育信息技术化,当前的教育信息化是教育技术化的一部分。

  • Concretely speaking the technicalization of education means that in the process of educational activities the technical factors such as attributes structures functions and rules act on education in a certain way make changes happen with education and turn into its intrinsic power .

    具体来说,教育 技术 是指,在教育活动过程中, 技术的属性、结构、功能和规律等技术因素通过某种方式作用于教育,使教育发生变化并进而转化为教育的本质力量。

  • On the Amalgamation of Technicalization and Humanistic Spirit in Constructing Digital Library

    论数字图书馆建设中 技术与人文思想的融合

  • The Crisis and Reconstruction of the World of Life under In depth Technicalization

    深度 技术 条件下生活世界的危机与重建

  • Electronic can be understood as follows : the technicalization of the course of production the intangibility of existent form and the mediumzation on display .

    对“电子 ”可作如下理解:生成过程的 技术 、存在形式上的无形化和表现状态上的媒质化。

  • Thoughts about the humanistic dilemma in sports technicalization

    体育 技术 人文困境的

  • Each era the technicalization and development of teachers is linked closely together invisibly .

    每个时代,教师的 技术 与教师发展都有一条无形的纽带密切关联在一起,为我们 展现 关于 技术 视野下的教师发展的历史图景。

  • The centralization of innovation resources to a small number of industries can help to enhance the ability of technical innovation and profit-making in the whole area thus further supporting new technical development drawing more human capital and accelerating the advance of technicalization and knowledge in shanghai .

    摘要创新资源集中到少数技术产业有利于提高整个地区的技术创新能力和获利能力,从而进一步支持新的技术开发活动,吸引更多人力资本的流入,使上海经济发展 日趋 技术 和知识

  • Marx called economic theory as the technicalization of economic worldview ideology of economist .

    所以,经济理论作为经济学世界观的 技术 形式,被马克思称作经济学家的意识形态。

  • An Analysis of Human Technicalization in the View of Broad Technology

    广义技术视野中人的 技术 问题剖析

  • It has unprecedentedly changed people 's work at ordinary times and life style plays a very important role to technicalization process of the country .

    它空前地改变了人们平时的工作与生活方式,对我国的 现代化进程起着举足轻重的作用。

  • Think About the Phenomenon of Technicalization of Human Procreation ; On the Counter-productivity within the Framework of Traditional Concept of Productivity

    人类生育 技术 与传统伦理框架的开放在传统生产力概念的框架下论反生产力

  • Technicalization of education is the objective existence it has always been accompanied by education .

    教育 技术 是一种客观存在,它伴随着教育的始终。

  • Study on the Mechanism and Countermeasures to Traditional Industries ' High-New Technicalization

    传统产业高新 技术 的机理与策略研究

  • Based on all these the dissertation points out that presently the formalization of usage of IT in education and the technicalization of education are the main problems .

    在此基础上,论文指出,当前的主要问题在于信息 技术教育应用的形式化和教育的 技术

  • I think people are technological persons at the beginning and human development is the course of constant technicalization .

    笔者认为,人一开始就是技术的人,人类的发展就是不断 技术 的过程。

  • Then it put forward that we must remember the rules during the education technicalization : technology for use people foremost technology is the way of education .

    其次,提出了在教育 技术 过程中应 始终把握 应对准则:以技为用,以人为本,技以 载道

  • Operation of the whole innovative terrace of Hi-Tech park and its perfection course in fact is the course of science technicalization technology commercialization products industrialization system integration ;

    整个高科技园区创新平台的运转和完善过程,实际上是科学 技术 -技术产品 -产品产业化 -体系一体化的过程;

  • Currently with the high-speed development of society politic economy and scientific technology the modern criminal offence demonstrates the characteristics of the speed intelligence high technicalization .

    当前,随着社会政治、经济和科学技术的高速发展,现代犯罪行为表现出了速度 、智能化、高科技 的特点。

  • However the science and technicalization have a new content and a higher requirement in this new century .

    但是,面对新的世纪, 干部 队伍 科技 应有新的内涵与要求。