temporary import

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri ˈɪmpɔrt][ˈtempərəri ˈimpɔ:t]


  • Imports do not use an MDB to receive responses and can be configured to use a single reply queue or one temporary reply queue per request via the JMS URL specified for the import binding in the WebSphere Integration Developer tool .

    导入不使用MDB来接收响应,可配置为通过在WebSphereIntegrationDeveloper工具中为 导入绑定指定的JMSURL,使用单个回复队列或为每个请求使用一个 临时回复队列。

  • Safeguard measures in WTO refer to the temporary import restrictions protecting relevant domestic industries from the unforeseen increases in imports that cause serious injury or threat thereof to those industries . Safeguard is experiencing a rapid increase in recent years .

    WTO规则中的保障措施是指一经济体针对未可预见的急剧增长的进口,为补救国内产业因此所受到的严重损害或严重损害威胁而采取的 临时 进口限制措施。

  • Please ensure you had completed the column of H.S.code may occur Chinese Customs refuse to accept the application of customs clearance for temporary import .

    请确保您已经完成了商品海关编码,否则中国海关可能拒绝接受 暂时 进口的清关申请。

  • This option allows a temporary queue to be recreated to store the response for each request that is sent through the import .

    这个选项允许重建一个 临时队列来存储通过 导入发送的每个请求的响应。

  • The painting was returned to Spain on a temporary import licence

    这幅画凭着 临时 进口许可证被送回了西班牙。

  • Unable to create temporary file for address book import .

    无法创建用于通讯录 导入 操作 临时文件。

  • To control the products which are of high energy loss greater pollution and resource nature our government adjusted temporary tax rate of import & export commodities from Nov.1 including 15 % of customs rate of unforged man genes .

    为进一步控制高能耗、高污染和资源性产品出口,我国自2006年11月1日起,调整部分 进出口商品 暂定税率,对未锻造锰出口加征15%关税。

  • Temporary queues are not able to hold persistent messages so if you need a permanent reply queue to be used by an import for this or other reasons it is possible to identify the queue to be used via the URL configured on the import binding .

    临时队列无法保存持久消息,所以,如果出于这种原因或其他原因需要一个用于 导入的永久回复队列,可以将队列标识为通过在导入绑定上配置的URL来使用。

  • Error writing converted address book entries to temporary file for import .

    在把已转换的通讯录条目写入到用于 导入 临时文件时出错。

  • Provide necessary guarantee to the IRI customs authorities in order to obtain the contractor 's customs clearances and temporary import and re-export permit of the contractor 's equipment ;

    向iri海关机构提供必要的保证金,以便获得承包商清关及承包商设备的 临时 进口及再出口许可;