temporary base

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri bes][ˈtempərəri beis]

[医] 暂基托(牙)

  • The survey mark temporary base point and fiducial mark frequently used at the site shall be regularly re-checked .

    现场经常使用的测量标记或 临时 基点、基标要定期复核。

  • More than 1000 young job seekers most of them women in their late teens were put through their paces one morning last month at a temporary residential and training base in Dongguan a manufacturing town in Guangdong Province southern China .

    今年2月的一个早晨,在中国南方广东省制造业重镇东莞一个供 临时居住兼作培训之用的“ 基地”,1000多名年轻的求职者正接受挑选。

  • Autobiographical memory is a temporary and dynamic mental framework triggered by internal knowledge base and is featured as containing specific knowledge at different levels .

    自传体记忆是由内在的知识 基础引发的 暂时的动态心理结构,其突出特征是它总含有层次不同的特定知识。

  • Temporary technical rule for construction of road base of coal slag-lime stabilized materials

    煤渣石灰类道路 基层施工 暂行技术规定

  • Including network built before the grand station temporary adjustment dedicated cell application fast handover algorithm network base station location principle antenna selection and the network construction in the process of doing the work stage of the optimization results summary .

    包括专网建成前宏站的 临时 优化调整,专网小区应用的快速切换算法,专网 基站的选址原则、天线选型等,并对专网建设过程中做的工作做了阶段性的优化成果小结。

  • The parametrized solid graphics-base is built up based on the temporary model base sharing model base and parametrized model base .

    基于 临时模型 、共享模型库和参数化模型库建立参数化实体图形库。

  • PRO C / C + + under ORACLE environment is used to develop general report system . The technique of temporary view base table and dynamic SQL are used to enhance generality and flexibility which can make report system preferably adapt the change of applied environment .

    在ORALCE环境下用PRO~C/C~++来开发通用报表系统,用 临时视图、 基础表、动态SQL语句等技术来提高报表系统的通用性和灵活性,以使报表系统能较好地适应应用环境的变化。

  • Gazprom says the temporary move preserves the base principles of its contracts .

    gazprom表示,此项 临时 举措并未动摇其合同的“ 基本原则”。

  • The sky boxer is an excellent companion to mobile armor and is often used as a temporary base defense when a commander has not been able to build the heavier flak cannon .

    空中拳击手是完美的装甲部队随从,并且经常在指挥官还没能建造更重型的对空炮时充当 临时 基础防御部队。